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Kurt Symanzik edited this page Jan 27, 2015 · 5 revisions

The web application has been designed to be used on tablets as well as desktop/laptops. So far, 7" Android tablets have been targeted and testing has only been done with the Nexus 7 line of tablets (both 2012 and 2013 models).

Prenatal screen on the tablet

In our tests the Chrome browser seems to work best but use your own judgement. More work needs to be done to insure that the application displays appropriately across a wider range of tablets and browsers.

The initial perceived need for tablets arose due to the lack of space for normal computers in the clinic prenatal exam area. Tablets were the only reasonable means to implement in the environment of this particular clinic.

Add prenatal exam on the tablet

Future possibilities

Should the need be warranted, it might make sense to write a native or hybrid tablet application to use instead of the tablet browser. No definitive decision has been made about this yet.

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