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Leonid74 committed Feb 12, 2024
1 parent c757be6 commit 33cac79
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Showing 2 changed files with 463 additions and 40 deletions.
322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions .php-cs-fixer.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
use PhpCsFixer\Config;
use PhpCsFixer\Finder;

* PHP Coding Standards Fixer.
* @see
* @see
* @see
$finder = Finder::create()

return (new Config())
->setCacheFile(\sys_get_temp_dir() . '/php-cs-fixer/php-cs-fixer' . \preg_replace('~\W~', '-', __DIR__) . '.cache')
// ->setIndent("\t")
'@PhpCsFixer' => true,
// '@PSR2' => true,
// '@PSR12' => true,
// '@Symfony' => true,
// 'psr0' => true,
// 'psr4' => true,
'align_multiline_comment' => ['comment_type' => 'phpdocs_only'],
'array_push' => true,
'array_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'], // Req. PHP >= 5.4.
'assign_null_coalescing_to_coalesce_equal' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.4.
'backtick_to_shell_exec' => true,
'binary_operator_spaces' => [
'operators' => [
'|' => 'single_space',
'||' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'&&' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'+=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'-=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'.=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'=>' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'??' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'??=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'==' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'===' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'!=' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'!==' => 'align_single_space_minimal',
'blank_line_after_namespace' => true,
'blank_line_after_opening_tag' => false,
'blank_lines_before_namespace' => true,
'blank_line_before_statement' => true,
'blank_line_between_import_groups' => true,
'braces_position' => true,
'cast_spaces' => true,
'class_attributes_separation' => [
'elements' => [
'const' => 'only_if_meta',
'method' => 'one',
'property' => 'only_if_meta',
'trait_import' => 'none',
'case' => 'none',
'class_definition' => ['single_line' => true],
'clean_namespace' => true, // Req. PHP >= 8.0.
'combine_consecutive_issets' => true,
'combine_consecutive_unsets' => true,
'combine_nested_dirname' => true,
'compact_nullable_type_declaration' => true,
'concat_space' => ['spacing' => 'one'],
'constant_case' => true,
'control_structure_braces' => true,
'control_structure_continuation_position' => ['position' => 'same_line'],
'declare_equal_normalize' => ['space' => 'none'],
'declare_strict_types' => true,
'dir_constant' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_array_assignment' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_braces' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_indentation' => true,
'doctrine_annotation_spaces' => true,
'echo_tag_syntax' => ['format' => 'short', 'shorten_simple_statements_only' => true],
'elseif' => true,
'encoding' => true,
'ereg_to_preg' => true,
'explicit_indirect_variable' => false, // I feel it makes the code actually harder to read
'explicit_string_variable' => false, // I feel it makes the code actually harder to read
'final_internal_class' => false,
'full_opening_tag' => true,
'fully_qualified_strict_types' => [
'import_symbols' => true,
'leading_backslash_in_global_namespace' => true,
'phpdoc_tags' => [
// 'param',
// 'return',
// 'var',
'function_declaration' => true,
'function_to_constant' => true,
'general_phpdoc_annotation_remove' => false, // No use for that
'header_comment' => false,
'heredoc_indentation' => ['indentation' => 'start_plus_one'], // Req. PHP >= 7.3.
'heredoc_to_nowdoc' => false, // Not sure about this one
'include' => true,
'increment_style' => true,
'indentation_type' => true,
'is_null' => false,
'line_ending' => true,
'linebreak_after_opening_tag' => false,
'list_syntax' => ['syntax' => 'short'], // Req. PHP >= 7.1.
'logical_operators' => true,
'lowercase_cast' => true,
'lowercase_keywords' => true,
'magic_constant_casing' => true,
'magic_method_casing' => true,
'mb_str_functions' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'method_argument_space' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.3.
'method_chaining_indentation' => true,
'modernize_types_casting' => true,
'multiline_comment_opening_closing' => false,
'multiline_whitespace_before_semicolons' => ['strategy' => 'new_line_for_chained_calls'],
'native_function_casing' => true,
'native_function_invocation' => [
'scope' => 'all',
'include' => ['@internal'],
'exclude' => ['empty', 'isset', 'unset'],
], // This is risky and seems to be micro-optimization that make code uglier. BUT i'll TRY to use it
'no_alias_functions' => ['sets' => ['@all']],
'no_alternative_syntax' => ['fix_non_monolithic_code' => true],
'no_blank_lines_after_class_opening' => true,
'no_blank_lines_after_phpdoc' => true,
'no_break_comment' => true,
'no_closing_tag' => true,
'no_empty_comment' => true,
'no_empty_phpdoc' => true,
'no_empty_statement' => true,
'no_extra_blank_lines' => [
'tokens' => [
'no_homoglyph_names' => true,
'no_leading_import_slash' => true,
'no_leading_namespace_whitespace' => true,
'no_mixed_echo_print' => true,
'no_multiple_statements_per_line' => true,
'no_multiline_whitespace_around_double_arrow' => true,
'no_null_property_initialization' => false,
'no_php4_constructor' => true,
'no_short_bool_cast' => true,
'no_singleline_whitespace_before_semicolons' => true,
'no_spaces_after_function_name' => true,
'no_spaces_around_offset' => true,
'no_superfluous_elseif' => false, // Might be risky on a huge code base
'no_superfluous_phpdoc_tags' => false,
'no_trailing_comma_in_singleline' => true,
'no_trailing_whitespace' => true,
'no_trailing_whitespace_in_comment' => true,
'no_unneeded_control_parentheses' => true,
'no_unneeded_braces' => ['namespaces' => true],
'no_unneeded_final_method' => false,
'no_unreachable_default_argument_value' => false,
'no_unset_cast' => true, // Req. PHP >= 8.0.
'no_unused_imports' => true,
'no_useless_else' => true,
'no_useless_return' => true,
'no_whitespace_before_comma_in_array' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.3.
'no_whitespace_in_blank_line' => true,
'non_printable_character' => ['use_escape_sequences_in_strings' => true],
'not_operator_with_space' => false, // No i prefer to keep '!' without spaces
'not_operator_with_successor_space' => false, // idem
'normalize_index_brace' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.4.
'new_with_parentheses' => ['anonymous_class' => true, 'named_class' => true],
'object_operator_without_whitespace' => true,
'octal_notation' => true, // Req. PHP >= 8.1.
'ordered_class_elements' => true,
'ordered_imports' => [
'sort_algorithm' => 'length',
'imports_order' => [
'const', 'class', 'function',
'php_unit_construct' => true,
'php_unit_dedicate_assert' => ['target' => 'newest'],
'php_unit_dedicate_assert_internal_type' => ['target' => 'newest'],
'php_unit_expectation' => ['target' => 'newest'],
'php_unit_fqcn_annotation' => true,
'php_unit_mock' => ['target' => 'newest'],
'php_unit_mock_short_will_return' => true,
'php_unit_namespaced' => true,
'php_unit_no_expectation_annotation' => ['target' => 'newest'],
'php_unit_strict' => false, // We sometime actually need assertEquals
'php_unit_test_annotation' => ['style' => 'prefix'],
'php_unit_test_class_requires_covers' => false, // We don't care as much as we should about coverage
'php_unit_test_case_static_method_calls' => ['call_type' => 'self'],
'phpdoc_add_missing_param_annotation' => ['only_untyped' => false],
'phpdoc_align' => ['align' => 'vertical'],
'phpdoc_annotation_without_dot' => true,
'phpdoc_indent' => true,
'phpdoc_inline_tag_normalizer' => true,
'phpdoc_line_span' => ['const' => 'multi', 'method' => 'multi', 'property' => 'multi'],
'phpdoc_no_access' => false,
'phpdoc_no_alias_tag' => false,
'phpdoc_no_empty_return' => false,
'phpdoc_no_package' => false,
'phpdoc_no_useless_inheritdoc' => false,
'phpdoc_param_order' => true,
'phpdoc_order' => ['order' => ['param', 'custom', 'return', 'throws']],
'phpdoc_return_self_reference' => true,
'phpdoc_scalar' => true,
'phpdoc_separation' => true,
'phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing' => true,
'phpdoc_summary' => false,
'phpdoc_to_comment' => false,
'phpdoc_trim' => true,
'phpdoc_trim_consecutive_blank_line_separation' => true,
'phpdoc_types' => true,
'phpdoc_types_order' => ['null_adjustment' => 'always_last', 'sort_algorithm' => 'alpha'],
'phpdoc_var_annotation_correct_order' => true,
'phpdoc_var_without_name' => true,
'pow_to_exponentiation' => false,
'protected_to_private' => true,
'random_api_migration' => false, // This breaks our unit tests
'return_assignment' => true,
'return_type_declaration' => true,
'self_accessor' => true,
'semicolon_after_instruction' => true,
'short_scalar_cast' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.4.
'simple_to_complex_string_variable' => true, // Req. PHP >= 8.2.
'simplified_null_return' => false, // Prefer to be explicit when returning null
'single_blank_line_at_eof' => true,
'single_class_element_per_statement' => true,
'single_import_per_statement' => true,
'single_line_after_imports' => true,
'single_line_comment_style' => true,
'single_quote' => true,
'single_space_around_construct' => true,
'single_trait_insert_per_statement' => true,
'space_after_semicolon' => true,
'spaces_inside_parentheses' => ['space' => 'none'],
'standardize_not_equals' => true,
'statement_indentation' => ['stick_comment_to_next_continuous_control_statement' => false],
'static_lambda' => false, // Risky if we can't guarantee nobody use `bindTo()`
'strict_comparison' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'strict_param' => false, // No, too dangerous to change that
'string_implicit_backslashes' => [
'double_quoted' => 'escape',
'heredoc' => 'escape',
'single_quoted' => 'ignore',
'switch_case_semicolon_to_colon' => true,
'switch_case_space' => true,
'ternary_operator_spaces' => true,
'ternary_to_null_coalescing' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.0.
'trailing_comma_in_multiline' => true, // Req. PHP >= 7.3.
'trim_array_spaces' => true,
'type_declaration_spaces' => ['elements' => ['function', 'property']],
'types_spaces' => ['space' => 'single', 'space_multiple_catch' => 'single'],
'unary_operator_spaces' => true,
'visibility_required' => ['elements' => ['property', 'method', 'const']], // Req. PHP >= 7.1.
'void_return' => true,
'whitespace_after_comma_in_array' => ['ensure_single_space' => true],
'yoda_style' => false,

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