This repo contains various functions to convert the encoder part of a pretrained RoBerta
-model to long-sequence Transformers.
The memory consumption and runtime of language models with vanilla self-attention grow quadratically to the length of the input sequence.
Various models were proposed to relax this issue either by using sparse or local attention patterns or approximating the full self-attention matrix with decomposition methods.
This repository contains some functions to initialize some of these models with the weights from a pretrained RoBerta
checkpoint and, therefore, can be helpful to create new models for long-document tasks efficiently.
Note that initializing these models with pretrained weights doesn't make them directly usable, let alone competitive. In most cases, at least a few thousand "continued-pretraining" steps are required to achieve satisfactory results on any downstream task.
Convert pretrained RoBerta
models to Longformer
The Longformer
model (Beltagy, I., Peters, M. E., & Cohan, A. (2020).) replaces the full-attention mechanism with local attention patterns and task-specific global attention.
Apart from that, Longformer
models use the RoBerta
(Liu, Y., Ott, M., Goyal, et. al (2019).) architecture. So it is easily possible to load the weights of a pretrained RoBerta
model into a Longformer
from roberta2longformer import convert_roberta_to_longformer
from transformers import RobertaModel, RobertaTokenizerFast
from transformers import LongformerModel, LongformerTokenizerFast
roberta_model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained("uklfr/gottbert-base")
roberta_tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("uklfr/gottbert-base")
longformer_model, longformer_tokenizer = convert_roberta_to_longformer(
inputs = longformer_tokenizer("Er sah eine irdische Zentralregierung, und er erblickte Frieden, Wohlstand und galaktische Anerkennung."
"Es war eine Vision, doch er nahm sie mit vollen Sinnen in sich auf."
"Im Laderaum der STARDUST begann eine rätselhafte Maschine zu summen."
"Die dritte Macht nahm die Arbeit auf."
"Da lächelte Perry Rhodan zum blauen Himmel empor."
"Langsam löste er die Rangabzeichen von dem Schulterstück seiner Kombination.",
outputs = longformer_model(**inputs)
# Or to finetune the model on a task:
from transformers import LongformerForSequenceClassification
seqclass_model = LongformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("tmp/longformer-gottbert/")
The Nyströmformer
-architecture (Xiong et. al (2021)) approximates the self-attention mechanism using the Nyström matrix-decomposition.
Thus there is no need for dealing with special attention patterns, making these models, in theory, applicable to a wider variety of tasks.
Compared to Longformer
models, Nyströmformers
seem to consume more memory.
from roberta2nyströmformer import convert_roberta_to_nystromformer
from transformers import RobertaModel, RobertaTokenizerFast
from transformers import NystromformerTokenizerFast, NystromformerModel
roberta_model = RobertaModel.from_pretrained("uklfr/gottbert-base")
roberta_tokenizer = RobertaTokenizerFast.from_pretrained("uklfr/gottbert-base")
nystromformer_model, nystromformer_tokenizer = convert_roberta_to_nystromformer(
inputs = nystromformer_tokenizer("Er sah eine irdische Zentralregierung, und er erblickte Frieden, Wohlstand und galaktische Anerkennung."
"Es war eine Vision, doch er nahm sie mit vollen Sinnen in sich auf."
"Im Laderaum der STARDUST begann eine rätselhafte Maschine zu summen."
"Die dritte Macht nahm die Arbeit auf."
"Da lächelte Perry Rhodan zum blauen Himmel empor."
"Langsam löste er die Rangabzeichen von dem Schulterstück seiner Kombination.",
outputs = nystromformer_model(**inputs)
# Or to finetune the model on a task:
from transformers import NystromformerForSequenceClassification
seqclass_model = NystromformerForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained("tmp/nystromformer-gottbert/")