Dotfiles for my machines. These configurations have been used on a regular PC, Framework laptop, M1 Mac running Asahi Linux, and even a Steam Deck.
This repository contains configurations for the following programs, intended to be run on either Arch Linux or Asahi Linux (/Arch Linux ARM). Some (but not all) configurations will also work without any further editing on macOS.
- git
- neovim (editor)
- onedark.vim (theme)
- vim-airline (status bar)
- tmux (multiplexer)
- zsh (shell)
Plus my own scripts in bin
- kitty (terminal emulator)
- mako (notifications)
- sway (WM)
- swaylock
- swayidle
- waybar (status bar)
- wofi (launcher)
alacritty(terminal emulator, not currently in use)hyprland(WM, not currently in use)iTerm2(terminal emulator, not currently in use)rofi(launcher, not currently in use)
- This repository also contains some systemd unit files.
This repository is designed to be installed with my own dotfiles-installer program. Unless you happen to be me, I wouldn't suggest using this.
# dotfiles-installer -f install-arch-system.yml
$ dotfiles-installer -f install-arch.yml
$ dotfiles-installer -f install-macos.yml