larreltools contains scripts used when making larsoft patch and regular releases.
- dogit
All scripts needed to create a patch release will be in the path automatically.
Note that patch releases work from special branches and have a version of the form vxx_yy_zz_nn.
larreltools supplies the following scripts for use when building patch releases.
- cp-patch-tag
- make a cross package LARSOFT_SUITE tag
- dogit
- use to issue the same git command to all packages in $MRB_SOURCE
- useful for checking status
- makePatchRelNotes
- generate a text file to be used when updating the [[larsoft:LArSoft_release_list|release list]]
- startPatchRel
- makes a working directory with all larsoft and experiment packages
- tagPatchRel
- Use after the versions have been updated to tag a release. Will push the changes and tag to the remote repository.
- updatePatchVersion
- increment patch release version by one
- see the patch release instructions for details
To avoid confusion, only the scripts used when building patch releases are in the path. Expert users (e.g., the LArSoft release manager) will need to do the following:
setup larreltools
Scripts for nutools and larsoft release managers:
- updateVersion
- startNuLiteRel
- manageNuLite
- startLArSoftRel
- manageLArGithub
- cp-lar-tag
- make-release-notes