This is a plugin for the Homebridge server, which maps API keys of a Signal K server to matching HomeKit devices.
Use this plugin to read and in case of switches and dimmers even control your boat's devices from your iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV or HomePod. Having an Apple TV 4 or HomePod in your LAN you can read and control even remotely.
The plugin fills the gap between Homebridge and Signal K, so you need both up and running:
The plugin maps the following Signal K API keys to suitable HomeKit devices:
The following Signal K standard keys are mapped to temperature and humidity sensors:
The following Signal K standard keys for tanks are mapped to humidity sensors:
HomeKit does not support tank sensors yet, so a humidity sensor is the best matching device showing percentages. Tanks on low level (freshwater, fuel, lubrication, live well, gas, ballast) or high level (wastewater, blackwater) show a low battery warning.
The following Signal K standard keys for batteries and chargers are mapped to humidity sensors and switches:
/electrical.chargers/<#>/mode (planned for future version)
/electrical.chargers/<#>/capacity.stateOfCharge (planned for future version)
HomeKit does not support batteries as stand alone devices yet, so a humidity sensor is the best matching device showing percentages representing the state of charge. Batteries on low level show a low battery warning.
Keys generated by the Signal K EmpirBus NXT plugin are mapped to switches and dimmers:
EmpirBus NXT switches connected to sensors can be mapped to HomeKit leak sensors by marking as device type leak sensor (see section optional parameters deviceTypes
Keys generated by the Signal K Venus plugin are mapped to switches and dimmers:
Keys generated by the Signal K Shelly plugin are mapped to switches and dimmers:
/electrical/switches/device name/*/
To use Shelly sensors in Homekit, define contact sensors as described below.
Any keys in /electrical/switches/ containing .state are mapped to switches. Keys containg .dinnimgLevel are mapped to dimmers:
/electrical/switches/device name/*/
These are especially keys generated by standard N2K PGNs, the Signal K N2K Switching-Translator plugin or the Signal K N2K Switching plugin. Known supported devices: Yacht Devices Circuit Control YDCC-04, Yacht Devices Switch Control and Maretron DCR100
Keys generated by the Signal K Raspberry Pi Temperature plugin are mapped to temperature sensors:
Signal K Raspberry Pi Temperature plugin
Configure contact sensors for any Signal K API key, which are triggered when their values reach a threshold, e.g.:
/navigation/speedOverGround > 0.1 → Vessel under way, switch on navigation lights
/electrical/batteries/0/current > 0 → Shore power connected, batteries charging
/electrical/batteries/0/capacity/timeRemaining < 7200 → Battery warning, switch off heavy loads
The plugin awaits and accepts the following settings in the Homebridge config.json
"platform" : "SignalK"
"host": ""
IP address and port of Signal K server
"name" : "NameOfVessel"
"ssl": false
Set to true
if Signal K server is awaiting connections via SSL
"accessRequest": true
Set to true
to use Access Requests to request and be granted access to the Signal K server. To reset access request, set to false
and restart Homebridge.
”securityToken”: “”
Signal K server security token (token entered here overrides token from access requests)
"signalKInitializeDelay": "10000"
Delay before adding or removing devices to give Signal K time to build API tree (in milliseconds)
"autodetectNewAccessoriesInterval": "900000"
Interval to check for new devices (in milliseconds)
"accessRequestInterval": "60000"
Interval to check Signal K access request status (in milliseconds)
"emptyBatteryVoltage" : "22.0"
Battery SOC shown as 0% (ignored if SOC is reported from battery)
"lowBatteryVoltage" : "23.5"
Low battery warning if battery voltage is at or below
"fullBatteryVoltage" : "26.0"
Battery SOC shown as 100% (ignored if SOC is reported from battery itself)
"chargingBatteryVoltage" : "27.0"
Battery shown as charging if battery voltage is at or above (ignored if current is reported from battery)
"lowFreshWaterLevel" : "25.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"highWasteWaterLevel" : "75.0"
Low battery warning if tank level is at or above
"highBlackWaterLevel" : "75.0"
Low battery warning if tank level is at or above
"lowFuelLevel" : "50.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"lowLubricationLevel" : "50.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"lowLiveWellLevel" : "50.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"lowGasLevel" : "50.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"lowBallastLevel" : "50.0"
Low tank (battery) warning if tank level is at or below
"removeDevicesNotPresent": false
If set to true
devices which are not present in API keys (after restart of Signal K server) are removed from HomeKit (at start of Homebridge server). Set to false
to prevent devices disappearing after rebooting Raspberry Pi in case homebridge loads faster than the Signal K tree is filled.
"ignoredPaths": ["key","key"]
List of API keys for which you don't want to have a device in HomeKit. Devices will be deleted from HomeKit if already present.
"displayNames": {"key":"Display Name","key":"Display Name"}
List of API keys and respective display names to display for them in HomeKit. Saves the effort to rename devices in HomeKit manually. Spaces and Umlauts are allowed.
"deviceTypes": {"key":"device type","key":"device type"}
List of API keys and respective device types to be mapped to in HomeKit. Currently only EmpirBus NXT keys are processed and device type can be leakSensor
Create contact sensors by a list of objects with Signal K API key, name for contact sensor in HomeKit, operator and treshold:
"contactSensors": [
{ "key": "<API key, must be unique>",
"name": "<Name in Homekit>",
"operator": "<Operator =, !=, >, >=, <= or < (default)>",
"treshold": "<treshold of operator (default is 0)>"
{ "key": "electrical.batteries.0.current",
"name": "Shore Power",
"operator": ">",
"treshold": "0"
To monitor communication with Signal K start HomeBridge with DEBUG environment variable:
Signal K API requests
Signal K WebSocket updates
Use #homebridge channel on the Signal K Slack.