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Deploy an AWS EC2 Instance with KopiCloud AD API in Windows Server 2022

Terraform KopiCloud-AD

The Terraform code in this repo will deploy an EC2 Instance for KopiCloud AD API with Windows Server 2022 and SQL Server 2022 Express.

Network Configuration

  • The code will create a network (VPC and Subnet); if you want to deploy to existing VPC and Subnet, edit the file.

in the aws_security_group section, comment the vpc_id = line and add the existing vpc id reference, following the example below:

resource "aws_security_group" "api-sg" {
  name        = "${lower(var.app_name)}-${var.app_environment}-sg"
  description = "Allow incoming connections"
  //vpc_id      =
  vpc_id      = "vpc-07bc47fcb892f49c2"

and then in aws_instance section, comment the subnet_id = line and add the existing subnet id reference, following the example below:

resource "aws_instance" "api-server" {
  ami           =
  instance_type = var.api_instance_type
  //subnet_id     =
  subnet_id     = "subnet-0de7e64c5c78e47f4"

Public IP

By default, the code adds a public IP address to the EC2 instance.

If you don't want to publish the API using an external IP, remove the resource "aws_eip" and resource "aws_eip_association" sections.

And set the variable api_associate_public_ip_address to false.


  • By default, the download and installation of SQL Server Management Studio is disabled because it will take lots of time.

  • The default Windows username is Administrator, and get the password from the AWS Console.

Configuring AWS Credentials

Read the document How to create an IAM account and configure Terraform to use AWS static credentials to configure credentials.

How to Set Up KopiCloud AD API

  1. Get a License - Generate a free trial license (no credit card required) or purchase a license here.

  2. Install KopiCloud AD API using the code in this repo.

  3. Join the machine to the AD Domain to manage using the API.

  4. Create a Service Account with Domain Administrators permissions for the KopiCloud AD API.

  5. Run the KopiCloud AD API Config tool located in the folder C:\KopiCloud-AD-API-Config to finish the setup of API.

Note: You cannot log in to the KopiCloud AD API Portal using the Service Account for security reasons.


KopiCloud AD API Official Web Site:

KopiCloud AD API Documentation:


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