Notable changes:
- DataGrid: Show scroll bars inline
- Add support for WindowStyle.ToolWindow
- Improve TextContextMenu
- Add localized strings
- AutoSuggestBox: Fix issue where header and description were not shown
- Fix exception when adding AppBarToggleButton to CommandBarFlyout
- Add BackButtonCommandTarget property to TitleBar and HamburgerMenuEx
- Fix issue where setting the CornerRadius on a NumberBox only applies if the SpinButtonPlacement is set to Inline (#25)
- Improve keyboard support for SimpleTimePicker, ContentDialog, and ToggleSwitch
- Flyouts: Restore focus when closed
- Make AutoHideScrollBars more configurable
- Improve TabControlPivotStyle:
- Arrange headers in a single scrollable row
- Add support for Title, LeftHeader, and RightHeader
- Selected content now aligns with headers
- DefaultWindowStyle: Add Setters for FontFamily and FontSize