- A dynamic and responsive website made using React, Node, HTML and CSS, and hosted for Dr S.T. Patil.
- It includes about me, education and experience along with skillset.
- API have been used for contact us section for Whatsapp, LinkedIn and email.
- Firebase is utilized for user login and authentication.
- This website also showcases resources including PDF and video lectures of our Professor.
- It also has razor-pay integrated in testing phase.
- Firebase Account using any Gmail id
- React, node.js installed
- Follow these steps to install and run the react-app
npx create-react-app portfolioweb
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/KhushiiAgarwal/PortfolioWebsite
- Enter Directory Folder
cd PortfolioWebsite
Installing Dependencies
npm install firebase
npm install hooks
npm install react-dom
npm install react-firebase-hooks
npm install react-pdf-viewer
npm install react-scripts
npm install firebase
npm install web-vitals
Replace the src folder in the newly created app
Also check correct firebase key is present in Package.json file using Google Firebase
- Cryptical Coder Youtube for their detailed youtube tutorial
- JS Solutions Youtube for firebase authentication tutorial
- Firebase Documentation Google Firebase
This project is licensed under MIT License