Run a gridbot using real-time market data using web api in powershell!
1.) Automatically buys X amount at current market price.
2.) Sets up a gride price - a high price, low price "grid" to trade within.
3.) Buys low / Sell high.
4.) When it makes a succesful trade, it automatically place another trade, based on your grid size.
E.g: Buys at 4250, will place a sell limit order at $4300, assuming your grid size is 50.
E.g: Sells at 4250, will place another buy limit order at $4200, assuming your grid size is 50.
Runs until you tell it not to, or you loose $500.
Setup an account on and generate an API key on the paper trading.
Enter in your key & secret on lines 69,70
Adjust your grid bot settings under gridbot settings.
Logs get output to C:\Tax-Grdibot
Tax Logs: "C:\Tax-Grdibot\yyyy\yyyy-mm-dd-Tax.csv"
Script console Logs: "C:\Tax-Grdibot\ScriptLogs\yyyy-mm-dd-log.txt"
Setup for Australian Taxation.