This is a Full e-commerce App mande in Flutter. Easy configuration for startups and small business.
This code is based on this course: >>>
- One code, all platforms, run right now your ecommerce on WEB, Android and iOS.
- Easy project configuration:
- Easy to configurate a new project using Firebase:
- Auth users using Firebase Authentication.
- Part of the backend using Firebase Cloud Functions.
- Database using Firebase Firestore.
- Store the images, archives etc using Firebase Storage.
- Host on the WEB using Firebase Hosting.
- AI to detect customers usability using Firebase Machine Learning.
- OBS: everything for FREE to start.
- Easy to change package name, put on Play Store and Apple Store.
- Easy methods to change the theme of the app.
- Easy implementation:
- Easy to learn the project.
- Easy way to add new functionalities.
- flutter pub run change_app_package_name:main
- Customize the app:
- Change the package name ⚠️✅
- Insert the google-services.json(Android) ⚠️✅
- Insert the GoogleServices-info.plist(iOS) ⚠️✅
- Configure firebase products:
- Login email/password ⚠️✅
- Login Facebook: ⛔
- Go to configurations ⛔
- Activate Firebase Blaze Plan ⚠️✅
- functions:
- $ cd functions ⚠️✅
- $ npm install ⚠️✅
- set functions.config().cielo.merchantid; ⚠️✅
- set functions.config().cielo.merchantkey; ⚠️✅
- Class 163. sandbox > dev mode > change to a real key later:
- ⚠️✅
- $ firebase functions:config:set cielo.merchantid="c93ea95f-be22-44fa-b6a0-cc2e36a4df03" ⚠️✅
- $ firebase functions:config:set cielo.merchantkey="JTUQPBLVPATXLAAZRHSJSGJSKLXJQKBPOOWWOOFN" ⚠️✅
- $ firebase functions:config:get ⚠️✅
- $ firebase deploy --only functions ⚠️✅
- include some firestore documents configuring the data about CEP and delivery distance ⚠️✅
- Class 59. set user in admin collection ⚠️✅
- Class 102 & 103. calculating distance > set lat, long, km, maxkm, base ⚠️✅
- Class 110. aux/ordercounter ⚠️✅
- Config Firestore roles:
- For test and run ⚠️✅
- For secure access ⚠️⭕
- 137. Set Storeslocations on Firebase ✅
- Test data example: ⚠️✅
- CEP: 13.087-000 ⚠️✅
- Credit Card:
- Number: 4300 0000 0000 0001
- Date: 11/2028
- Titular: Kevin Kobori
- Verification: 235
- CPF: 385.631.880-11
- Implement Clean Architecture ⚠️⭕
- Implement Modules
- flutter_modular: ⚠️⭕
- Navigation with dynamic routes, suport for web ⚠️⭕
- Dependency injection ⚠️⭕
- Deep Link to navigate between pages or only ffrom external pages? ⚠️⭕
- Implement Tests ⚠️⭕
- Implement Controllers
- Migrate from provider to mobx ⚠️⭕
- Layout of the App:
- drawer to bottom navigationbar ✅
- Search bar ⛔
- Items list to grid ⛔
- Colors ⛔
- Fonts ⛔
- Separate model from mappers and providers ⚠️⭕
- Migrate to Null Safety ⚠️⭕
- All user data logic:
- When logout on App: remove devices tokens from DB ⚠️✅
- When logout directly on Firebase Admin: remove devices tokens from DB using Cloud Functions ⚠️⭕
- When uninstall App: remove devices tokens from DB ⚠️⭕
- When change password on App: remove devices tokens from DB ⚠️⭕
- When change password directly on Firebase Admin, remove devices tokens from DB using Cloud Functions ⚠️⭕
- When change user data directly on Firebase Admin: remove devices tokens from DB using Cloud Functions ⚠️⭕
- Security:
- Obfuscating the app ⚠️⭕
- Verify if its a real device ⚠️⭕
- Use functional programming ⚠️⭕
- Notifications:
- Insert status on data parameter:
- readed ⚠️✅
- deleted ⚠️✅
- created dateTime ⚠️✅
- updated dateTime ⚠️✅
- Order Notifications by date time inserted ⚠️⭕
- Migrate to Null Safety ⚠️⭕
- Light and dark Theme ⛔
- Centralize theme dynamically for admin can controll ⚠️⭕
- Edit Product currency input formatter by country ⚠️⭕
- Internationalization ⚠️⭕
- Search using realtime(if all products are on cash) ⛔
- List Builders, get 20 by 20 items ⚠️⭕
- Favorite logic ⭕
- Pix payment method ⚠️⭕
- Real Frete vinculation Correios:
- ⚠️⭕
- Layout for iOS using cupertino padronization ⛔
- Forget password ⚠️✅
- Confirm email on register ⚠️✅
- Fix send email verification when register ⚠️⭕
- Verify and confirm email on login ⚠️✅
- Google SignIn ⚠️✅
- Loading animation on items ⭕
- Redirect to whatsapp ✅
- Create Categories ✅
- Create all products outside categories ✅
- Error when load all products, images was not saving into both collections ⚠️✅
- Format send email verification ⭕
- Users:
- Generate random code for what? ⚠️✅
- ImageProfile only on google SignIn create ⚠️✅
- ImageProfile for facebook SignIn create ⚠️⭕
- ImageProfile for SignUp create ⚠️⭕
- Create Insert Stores Locations Screen ⭕
- Format everything to be named parameters ⭕
- Set all orders status filter enabled by default ✅
- Set icon into Filters SlidingUpPanel ✅
- Set loading state to all pages ⚠️⭕
- FlatButton to TextButton
- Make to run on iphone 8. ⚠️✅
- Google SignIn closing the App. ⚠️⭕
- Cart error when deleted a product from products collection ⚠️⭕
- Refact User() to UserModel() ⚠️✅
- Remove all whitespace on inputs ⚠️✅
- CEP mask ⚠️✅
- Credit Card mask ⚠️✅
- Number mask ⚠️✅
- Validate date mask ⚠️✅
- packages deprecated ⛔
- Facebook Login not working ⛔
- FunctionsError fix: ⚠️✅
- sandbox: true, ⚠️✅
- debug: true, ⚠️✅
- User token not deleting when logout ⚠️✅
- Google SignIn ⚠️❕
- Facebook SignIn ⚠️❗
- Payment ⚠️❕
- Notification ⚠️❕
- Google Maps opening ⚠️❕
- Call automatically ⚠️❓
- User orders navigation ⚠️❕
- Cancel Order not working ⚠️❓
- obs: need to see where it begins ⚠️❓
- Google SignIn ⚠️❌
- Facebook SignIn ⚠️❗
- Payment ⚠️❕
- Notification ⚠️❕
- Google Maps opening ⚠️❓
- Apple Maps opening ⚠️❕
- Call automatically ⚠️❌
- User orders navigation ⚠️❓
- Cancel Order not working ⚠️❓
- obs: need to see where it begins ⚠️❓
- Need to be tested on Android 8 > 9 > 10 > 11...
- Need to be tested on iOS 8 > 9 > 10 > 11...
- How to NOT get a 30K Firebase Bill
- important provider
- If you want to understand more about that code, this code is based on the code of this course: