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This angular interactive map of the world demonstrates d3, svg, less and jquery integration, along with Selenium tests.


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Planet Kevin Pocket Edition (PKPE) is an interactive country information app. It integrates an Angular application with a url-based SVG file, which is accessed through d3.js, as a controller. It uses localStorage to save 3Mb in two files (the SVG and the Country Data) so that there is only a one time hit for the assets. It uses less.js to provide device- specific CSS. It can be tested using the Selenium webdriver by running the file "seleniumTests.js" from node at the command line.

Logic Flow

PKPE is a bootstrapped angular application. Due to the loading requirements of the framework and its assets, it was determined that a non- framework-based intro screen would be less intrusive to endusers. This permits a short animation to either welcome users for the first time, or a shorter animation to welcome back return visitors. While the animation is displayed, the background work of the app loading takes place.

Preloader and Less

The index page passes several variables to Less, and updates them when the window is resized or the orientation is changed. The properties that are device and browser specific include:

uaFont: This is set for each browser/device type.

bigW: This refers to the width in landscape mode.

smallW: This refers to the width in portrait mode.

halfW: This is equal to half the landscape width.

These are updated through the getCurrentDimensions function.

--- To Do: There are some configurations that result in a cropped navigation: specifically, landscape views that are close to square. This requires some additional business logic that tests not only portrait/landscape orientation, but also that makes allowance for aspect ratios like 5:4, 9:8---displays that correspond to desktop users who resize their window arbitrarily.

Index.php Structure

The index page includes a minimal amount of JavaScript and CSS in order for the page to be fast loading. It loads a number of libraries and angular modules in the HEAD element, and then presents a stripped down Div structure that supports the angular app. The div with id, animStepIntro contains the business logic to support the intro animation and the localStorage management of the SVG and country data asset files.

The div with id, masterMapApp contains the angular application. Those familiar with angular attributes, such as ng-show, ng-include, and ui-view will recognize their utility. Conditional classes and ngModel-supported content can be seen throughout the div elements.

There is no hard-coded text in the angular app. These exist in the locale_en.json file and demonstrate localization. This is achieved through the filter "i18nObj" in the i18nObj_module.js file. It provides a hierarchical method of localizing page contents.

--- NB, although the application was designed for locale_XX.json file to support language variations, in the PKPE app, localization is provided by Google Translate. This is augmented by the use of the skiptranslate class, provided by Google to protect areas that are not desired to be translated.


The angular application is contained in masterMapApp.js. It references a number of existing modules, as well as a number of custom modules, such as:

d3Module: Used to interact with the SVG world map.

mapModule: Used to interact with the Google Maps API

weatherModule: Disabled currently due to usage restrictions

il8nObj: Used to provide localization functionality

localCRUD: Provides localStorage functionality

A number of properties and functions used across modules are attached to $rootScope in masterMapApp.

Also, a number of $broadcast events and the application's routing requirements are defined here.


index.php 	contains preloader and angular app
--assets 	images
--css 		main.less, single stylesheet
			assigned one for each graphic element (view)
			angular, d3, jquery, less, underscore
			business logic
--php 		Not Included
--testing	Various testing frameworks
--views		each independent screen element has its own view

This code is not guaranteed to do anything. There are many bugs that I know to exist and many others that I do not. This page will be updated to remain current with the application content files. Contact [email protected] for additional information.

This page was last updated October 4, 2014.


This angular interactive map of the world demonstrates d3, svg, less and jquery integration, along with Selenium tests.







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