Full-Stack and Blockchain Developer
Cross-Platform Solana Wallet built with Expo and Solana/web3.js
Cross-Platform Solana Wallet built with Expo and Solana/web3.js,safe exchange rust backend
Cross-Platform Solana Wallet built with Expo and Solana/web3.js,safe transfer rust backend
Trust Chain is an Open Source decentralized application (dApp)
WalletConnect Monorepo
Kavorix / launchpad-ui
Forked from launchdarkly/launchpad-uiπ LaunchDarkly's design system
Kavorix / keplr-wallet
Forked from chainapsis/keplr-walletThe most powerful wallet for the Cosmos ecosystem and the Interchain
The official repository for the Valora mobile cryptocurrency wallet.
Kavorix / LaunchPad
Forked from strapi/LaunchPadOfficial Strapi Demo application
Safe{Wallet} β smart account wallet
Kavorix / bridge
Forked from nuxt/bridgeπ Experience Nuxt 3 features on existing Nuxt 2 projects
Cypto Wallet that support Ethereum, Bitcoin, Solana, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon etc.
Digital wallet full stack application developed with Next.js and Node.js
Cross-Platform Solana Wallet built with Expo and Solana/web3.js
Raydium Solana Token Launcher: Launchpad to launch meme tokens in Raydium
Sui Token Launchpad Smart Contract
A platform enabling users to stake their tokens and earn interest on their investments, while enjoying secure and reliable returns
Solana Raydium Volume Bot on Raydium to increase volume. Solana Raydium Volume Bot
The most advanced NFT marketplace on Algorand
Near Ethereum Marketplace: Smart Contract Integration (Solidity & Rust)
Game Smart Contract using Rust & Anchor