This is the codebase for the Dealcrafter Inventory Management Site. The final commit for this website was made on May 23, 2021 in its original repository, and is no longer being actively maintained as its' delivery has fulfilled the client's requests. This codebase has been reuploaded with permission from its owner.
The primary purpose of the Dealcrafter Inventory Management Site is to provide an inventory management solution that utilizes QR Codes to quickly access records to inventory items within the Dealcrafter warehouse.
Node.JS: Backend Runtime environment on which the site and its' functions rely on.
Express.JS: Backend Framework with which the site is structured with.
EJS: Template Engine used for serving frontend design and retrieved data, designed with Bootstrap 5.
PostgreSQL: Database solution used for storing inventory item data, user accounts, etc.
Redis: Key-value store used for caching queries and session data to optimize site's performance.
Sendgrid: Email Sending solution used for user authentication.
qrcode: NPM package used to generate inventory QR Codes.
- Avellanoza, Rose Ann (QA)
- Cortez, Angeliza (Business Analyst)
- Cubinar, Ivan (Frontend Developer)
- Luna, Kasper (Backend Developer)
- Mabelin, Yves (Project Manager)
- Salomon, Franz (Business Analyst)
- Tee, Maxinne (QA)
- Villa Juan, John (System Analyst)