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Hans Georg Schaathun @kerckhoffs edited this page Jun 20, 2019 · 1 revision

Improvisation FAQ

I have a new question type. How do I improvise?

The teacher is using JazzQuiz, and discovers or develops a new question type not currently used or supported by JazzQuiz.

How should the teacher create a new IMPROV-question?

The teacher should be able to add it once to be available for all activities in his course. He may not have the permissions to add it system level.

Admin scenario.

The site users agree that the new question type should be available for improvisation for everyone. How can the admin add an IMPROV-question for all courses?

There are so many improvisation questions. How can I clean up the list?

Can the user remove or disable some IMPROV-questions from his course?

Can the admin remove or disable some IMPROV-questions from the site?

I was searching the question bank. What are all these IMPROV-questions?

What happens if I delete an IMPROV-question?

Can I edit an IMPROV-question in the the question bank?

I have a normal question which I use often, with the same question text. Can I add it as an IMPROV-question?

For example. I want to ask the class if I progress too slowly (A), at just the right rate (B), or to quickly (C). Leafing through the Jump-list is tedious; and it would be much simpler if I could make this an IMPROV-question.