Chirping birds with an ATtiny heart.
- Get an AVR ISP programmer or a spare Arduino and follow these instructions
- Under Tools, select board “ATtiny25/45/85”, processor “ATtiny85”, and clock “Internal 8 MHz”
- Again under Tools, click Burn Bootloader (won't actually flash the Arduino bootloader but just set the fuses)
- Optional: change the code to include the bird voice of your choice (see following section)
- Flash the Arduino program as usual by clicking the Upload button
At the time of writing, we have an imitation of a blackbird, a chiffchaff, a titmouse and a wren. Check the folder voices for all available bird voices.
In SolarbirdTiny.ino near line 23, find the lines which include the bird voice and create a Bird instance from it:
#include "voices/blackbird.h"
Blackbird Bird;
Change the name of the included file on the first line to the one of your liking. The code follows the convention that the class name (first word on the second line) is the capitalized version of the filename, i.e., the file chiffchaff.h
contains the class Chiffchaff
. After changing both lines, you're ready to upload the new voice to the ATtiny.