This repository is developed by using T3 Stack
Run this repository on WSL
Clone this repository
$ git clone
git clone [email protected]:KAT-ITB-2024/social.git
Change the current directory to
cd social
Copy .env.example file and rename it to
Install all dependencies
yarn install
Run the application
yarn dev
- Customize the database URL
DATABASE_URL="postgresql://{username}:{password}@localhost:5432/{database name}"
- Create new database (use the same name as you wrote in DATABASE_URL)
psql -U postgres
create database <database name>
- Run the migration
yarn db:migrate
Once you've run the migration, you can try to check on the database.
\c <database name>
Expected output: your database must contain few tables if the mirgation is successful.
- Run the seeding function
yarn db:seed
Once you've run the seeding command, check tables inside your database to make sure that the table is not empty (specially the users table)
select * from "users"
Make sure you've read our Developer's Guide
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