A code-oriented game engine designed to be efficient, extensible, and simple to use (not necessarily in that order). It is being developed mostly for fun, and maybe to eventually become a game. That means features will be lacking.
- Voxel engine (see the Voxel Engine repo for more detail)
- Batch renderer
- ECS using EnTT
- Entity scripting
- Entity transformation hierarchy
- Model and texture loading
- Dynamic physics and collision API leveraging PhysX
- Quake-style console, with support for variables and commands
- OpenGL 4.6-based renderer using modern overhead-reducing techniques
- GPU-driven particle system
- 4-channel flood fill voxel lighting
- HDR lighting, tonemapping, and automatic exposure adjustment
- Analytic fog
- Bloom inspired by CoD: AW
- Parallax-correct reflections
- Extend physics API with collision callbacks, filtering, etc.
- More graphical features like skeletal animation, better transparency, etc.
- ECS improvements based on gameplay needs
- General code cleanup and better dependency management
- assimp
- cereal
- Dear ImGui
- EnTT
- FastNoise2
- glad
- glfw
- glm
- PhysX
- shaderc
- stb_image
- zlib
A suitable license is yet to be chosen.
10 million snow particles at 95 FPS. Many small moving things does not compress well!
Lighting transition
10k individually animated objects
Physics + particles