A Blot/Extension for Quill.js to embed editable formulas with mathLive.
npm install quill-mathlive-blot
- import Quill
import mathLiveBlot from "quill-mathlive-blot";
// MathLive options can be modified before the initialisation.
// If changed later it only applies to mathLive Instances created after the change.
mathLiveBlot.options.virtualKeyboardMode = "off";
var quill = new Quill('#editor-container', {
modules: {
toolbar: {
container: [
['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
handlers: {
'mathLive': insert,
placeholder: '',
theme: 'snow'
// This function gets called by the quill toolbar handler.
// It can also be called programmatically.
function insert() {
let selection = quill.getSelection();
// In this example a mathLive instance will start with the content "x"
quill.insertEmbed(selection.index, "mathLive", "x");
Options can be set through the mathLiveBlot.options variable.
The default values are:
smartMode: true,
virtualKeyboardMode: "manual",
virtualKeyboardLayout: "qwertz",
virtualKeyboardTheme: "material",
virtualKeyboards: "all",
inlineShortcuts: {
"minus": "-",
"-": "-",
"plus": "+",
"/": "\\frac",
"super 1": "^1",
"super 2": "^2",
"super 3": "^3",
"super 4": "^4",
"super 5": "^5",
"super 6": "^6",
"super 7": "^7",
"super 8": "^8",
"super 9": "^8",