The repository provides selected data and scripts related to the working papers
- Müller, H., Rieger, J., Schmidt, T. & Hornig, N. (2022). An Increasing Sense of Urgency: The Inflation Perception Indicator (IPI) to 30 June 2022 - a Research Note. DoCMA Working Paper #12.
- Müller, H., Rieger, J., Schmidt, T. & Hornig, N. (2022). Pressure is high - and rising: The Inflation Perception Indicator (IPI) to 30 April 2022 - a Research Note Analysis. DoCMA Working Paper #10.
- Müller, H., Schmidt, T., Rieger, J., Hufnagel, L. M. & Hornig, N. (2022). A German Inflation Narrative - How the Media frame Price Dynamics: Results from a RollingLDA Analysis. DoCMA Working Paper #9.
See also the corresponding articles in Handelsblatt from 2022/07/25, 2022/05/24 and 2022/03/10.
If you're using data from this repository or want to refer to the methodology of the IPI, please cite our paper
- Rieger, J., Hornig, N., Schmidt, T. and Müller, H. (2023). Early Warning Systems? Building Time Consistent Perception Indicators for Economic Uncertainty and Inflation Using Efficient Dynamic Modeling. Accepted for MUFin’23.
Instead, if you wish to refer to a particular interpretation, please cite the corresponding working paper.
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Please note: For legal reasons the repository cannot provide all data. Please let us know if you feel that there is anything missing that we could add.