Basic chat program with ncurses UI for Linux. Been writing it mostly for educational purposes.
Completely rewritten UI. Still ugly but a bit more useful.
gcc client.c chat.c ui.c -lncurses -o client
gcc server.c chat.c -lncurses -lpthread -o server
server [port] [password]
client [ip] [port]
To exit enter ` character
Backspace does not work in the username submitting window.
- Allow messages to be both sent and received simultaneously;
- Implement proper client - server model;
- Multiple clients;
- Chatrooms;
- Usernames;
- Password-protected servers;
- Fix corrupted usernames issue;
- Major UI update;
- Encryption;
- Major refactoring;
- User accounts and password authentification;
- Private user-user communication;
- Constant stability improvements;