A simple app for making it possible to join a certain wifi access point from ADB without requiring a rooted device.
Build the app, either by importing the project into Android Studio or by using
the following command (make sure you have set the ANDROID_HOME
variable if you choose the latter):
./gradlew assembleDebug
install the app:
adb install app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
Use the Activity Manager (am
) to start the application with the appropriate
adb shell am start -n com.steinwurf.adbjoinwifi/com.steinwurf.adbjoinwifi.MainActivity -e ssid [SSID] -e password_type [PASSWORD_TYPE] -e password [WIFI PASSWORD]
If you want to join an access point without a password you shouldn't specify the password or password type. If you need to join an access point with a password you need to specify both. The password type should be either:
, orWEP
adb-join-wifi is available under the BSD license.