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A Gleam library for logging

Get a glimpse (glimt in Swedish) of what is going on inside your software


gleam add glimt

Documentation can be found at

Quick start

Glimt is a logging library for Gleam that aims to modular in terms of how log-messages are dispatched and serialize while providing some default implementations that can be used out-of-the-box.

A simple way to start logging is to use the built-in stdout logger.

let example_logger = new_stdout("example_logger")
|> info("Entering hyperspace")

This will produce a human readable log-line in your terminal that looks something like this:

2022-12-25T15:56:40.244Z | INFO | example_logger(<0.9.0>) | Entering hyperspace

Of course you can log with different levels. The default stdout logger will print all levels as seen in the following example.

let levels_logger = new_stdout("levels_logger")
|> trace("Hyperdrive subsystem A entering state PRE_ACTIVE")
|> debug("Hyperdrive subsystems states: A=PRE_ACTIVE, B=RUNNING")
|> info("Entering hyperspace")
|> warning("Hyperdrive subsystem A got unexpected command: Nil")
|> error(
"Exiting hyperspace due to system failure",
Error("Subsystem A quit unexpectedly"),
|> fatal(
"Could not reboot shields after exiting hyperspace",

2022-12-25T16:18:51.542Z | TRACE | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Hyperdrive subsystem A entering state PRE_ACTIVE

2022-12-25T16:18:51.542Z | DEBUG | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Hyperdrive subsystems states: A=PRE_ACTIVE, B=RUNNING

2022-12-25T16:18:51.542Z | INFO | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Entering hyperspace

2022-12-25T16:18:51.542Z | WARNING | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Hyperdrive subsystem A got unexpected command: Nil

2022-12-25T16:18:51.542Z | ERROR | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Exiting hyperspace due to system failure | Error("Subsystem A quit unexpectedly")

2022-12-25T16:18:51.560Z | FATAL | levels_logger(<0.9.0>) | Could not reboot shields after exiting hyperspace | Error(["ENEMY SHIP DETECTED", "ACTIVATE_SHIELDS", "REBOOT_SHIELDS", "REBOOT_FAILURE"])

The example above also shows how to attach error information to a log-message. Errors can be attached to error and fatal logs and can be any Error result. The default serializer will use string.inspect to print the error to the terminal.


Building a logger

The base type in Glimt is the Logger. A logger can have a name, a min level (messages below this level will not be logged at all). Futhermore the logger can be associated with one or more instances. An instance in responsible for dispatching log-messages to a specific target and in a specific format. The examples above used the stdout-dispatcher combined with the basic-serializer and the new_stdout is a convenience method for getting a logger with that specific setup. However it is also possible to start with an empty logger and the customize it in order to get more granular control. The following example builds the exact same logger as in the first example.

import gleam/option.{None}
import glimt.{ALL, TRACE, Direct}
import glimt/log_message.{level_value}
import glimt/serializer/basic.{basic_serializer}
import glimt/dispatcher/stdout.{dispatcher}

let custom_logger =
|> level(ALL)
|> append_instance(Direct(
|> info("Entering hyperspace")

Dispatchers and serializers

This example shows some important aspects of the Glimt architecture. First of all we can see the the stdout-dispatcher that was mentioned is created by providing a serializer (in this case the basic_serializer). However the dispatcher is just a function that takes a LogMessage and returns Nil (fn (LogMessage) -> Nil). Futhermore the built-in stdout-dispatcher in created using a serializer which is a function that turns a LogMessage into a String. This makes is very easy to plug in specialized serializers into a logger. For example one could build a serializer that only prints the message field of the log_message.

let message_logger =
|> level(ALL)
|> append_instance(Direct(
    dispatcher(fn(log_message) { log_message.message }),
|> warning(
"An important message to all our travelers. We are being attacked by enemy ships.",

Dispatching strategies

Another important aspect of the above examples is that the instance is constructed with the Direct constructor. This is one of the two dispatching strategies that Glimt supports and it means that the dispatcher will run synchronously in the same process as the code that logs the message. The other strategy is enabled by the Actor logger instance constructor and enables the actual dispatching of log-messages to be executed in a different process and only triggered by a message sent from the current process. The following example shows how we can utilize the convenience method start_instance to start an instance that runs in a separate process and logs to stdout.

assert Ok(actor_instance) =
start_instance("actor_instance", TRACE, dispatcher(basic_serializer))

let actor_logger =
|> level(INFO)
|> append_instance(actor_instance)

|> trace("Cutting the blue wire")
|> info("Bomb disarmed 💣")

2022-12-25T18:11:41.608Z | INFO | actor_logger(<0.9.0>)/actor_instance(<0.87.0>) | Bomb disarmed 💣

Note that both the calling pid and the actor pid are logged together with the name of the logger and logger instance. Another interesting aspect of this example is that the accepted log-level is set both for the logger and the instance. The level of the logger will be checked first and this is why we only see one of the messages logged in the example.


Glimt comes with a build in JSON serializer (using gleam_json). It can be used together with any dispatcher to dispatch logs in JSON format. The following example show how to output JSON to stdout.

let json_logger =
|> level(TRACE)
|> append_instance(Direct(
|> info("Hi Hypsipyle, it's me Thoas")
{"time":"2022-12-25T20:11:20.350Z","name":"json_logger","pid":"<0.9.0>","instance_name":null,"instance_pid":null,"level":"INFO","message":"Hi Hypsipyle, it's me Thoas","error":null}

Additional data

If there is a need to attach additional data to the log-message it is possible to do this with the log_with_data function. This means that all logger instances of the logger need to accept data of a specific type. One easy way to accomplish this is to use the json_serializer_with_data which accepts an additional serializer function which should take a parameter of the specified type and return a gleam_json Json-type which will be used to serialize the data and insert under the "data"-key in the JSON log-message. The following example show how to do this.

Let say we have a type like this:

type Data {
  Data(user_id: String, trace_id: String)

In order to serialize the additional data we can use the builder in the json module to attach a serializer for the custom data-type. To log the data the log_with_data should be used.

let data_serializer = fn(data: Data) {
    #("user_id", gjson.string(data.user_id)),
    #("trace_id", gjson.string(data.trace_id)),

let data_logger =
|> level(TRACE)
|> append_instance(Direct(
    |> add_standard_log_message()
    |> add_data(data_serializer)
    |> build(),
|> log_with_data(
"Fetching user achievements",
Data("JohnBjrk", "322f38e8-d0a5-43f2-9590-6f435a9b5e41"),

NOTE: gleam_json was imported as import gleam/json as gjson to avoid naming conflict with Glimts jsonmodule

Of course if there is need for a more specific JSON serialization of the whole log-message a custom-written serializer can be supplied to the dispatcher.

Logger context

Sometimes it is useful for always log some data from the context. In order to do this we can use the with_context method which accepts a custom context and returns a logger which will include this context in all dispatched log-messages. The context can be serialized using the same strategy as for additional data using the add_context in the json serializer builder.

The following example adds some information from a gleam_http request to the log-message.

let request_serializer = fn(request: Request(BitString)) {
        #("method", gjson.string(method_to_string(request.method))),
        #("path", gjson.string(request.path)),

let context_logger =
|> level(TRACE)
|> append_instance(Direct(
    |> add_standard_log_message()
    |> add_context(request_serializer)
    |> build(),

let logger_with_request =
|> with_context(
    |> set_path("api/login"),

|> info("User successfully logged in")

Erlang logger integration

It is possible to use the erlang built in logger as a dispatcher in Glimt. There are two slightly different dispatchers that can be added to a logger to accomplish this: logger_dispatch and logger_report_dispatch. It is also possible to configure the erlang logger to use Glimt formatting. The following example uses the basic_formatter together with logger_dispatch to log an error. The logger_dispatch will add the message as a string.

let logger_logger =
|> level(TRACE)
|> append_instance(Direct(None, level_value(TRACE), logger_dispatch))

|> error(
"Could not connect to database",
Error("Connection timeout: 127:0.0.1:5432"),

This will produce the following output:

2023-01-05T23:07:13.081161+01:00 | error | logger_logger(<0.9.0>) | Could not connect to database | Error("Connection timeout: 127:0.0.1:5432")

Note that we are setting the formatter for the default logger handler. This means that any log-message sent to the erlang logger will use this format.

The logger_report_dispatch will log a report instead of a plain string (which will include the message and other data). This is useful in combination with a logger with context and/or data since these two will be merged into the report. The following example combines the two:

let report_logger =
|> level(TRACE)
|> append_instance(Direct(None, level_value(TRACE), logger_report_dispatch))

|> with_context([
#("host", ""),
#("url", "users"),
#("params", "token=48dhf8h826ad876f78&"),
|> log_with_data(
"Successfully fetched user data",
[#("username", "JohnBjrk"), #("github_url", "")],

It gives the following output:

2023-01-05T23:07:13.084284+01:00 | notice | report_logger(<0.9.0>) | (github_url =>, host =>, msg => Successfully fetched user data, params => token=48dhf8h826ad876f78&, url => users, username => JohnBjrk)

It is also possible to make the output json from the erlang logger. The following line changes the default handler to output json:.


With this the two examples above will output the following:

{"error":"Error(\"Connection timeout: 127:0.0.1:5432\")","time":1672958146686409,"time_string":"2023-01-05T23:35:46.686409+01:00","message":"Could not connect to database"}
{"time":1672958146686453,"time_string":"2023-01-05T23:35:46.686453+01:00","github_url":"","host":"","msg":"Successfully fetched user data","params":"token=48dhf8h826ad876f78&","url":"users","username":"JohnBjrk"}


These are some future improvements currently on the road-map for the Glimt library.

  • Add overload protection for Actor dispatchers
  • Add support for writing custom erlang logger handlers
    • Utilize overload protection
  • Option to use basic formatters without color
  • File-based config for setting log-levels of loggers based on name
    • Make it possible to override log-levels in libs by setting them in config file
  • File-dispatcher
    • Write log messages to a file. Should probably be implemented as an actor.
    • Support log-rotation?
  • External log service dispatchers
    • Dispatch logs to an external service (rollbar, loggly ..). This is probably best done in a separate repository which implements a specific external service.
  • Dispatcher that use stderr
    • Maybe there is a need to use stderr for output of error log-messages.


A Gleam logging library







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