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A queue is a linear data structure that follows the First In, First Out (FIFO) principle. In a queue, elements are added at the rear (enqueue operation) and removed from the front (dequeue operation). This means that the element that has been in the queue the longest is the first one to be removed.



  • Length The length/size of the queue.

Advantages & Disadvantages


  • Queues maintain the order in which elements were added, making them suitable for scenarios where processing elements in the order they arrive is important, such as task scheduling or message processing.

  • Both enqueue and dequeue operations typically have a time complexity of O(1), making queues efficient for adding and removing elements, especially when implemented using linked lists.

  • Queues enforce fairness by processing elements in the order they were added, ensuring that no element is starved or bypassed in favor of others.

  • In multithreaded or concurrent applications, queues can be used to synchronize access to shared resources, allowing threads to communicate and coordinate their activities in a controlled manner.


  • Similar to stacks, queues provide limited access to elements. Only the front element can be accessed directly, and accessing other elements requires dequeuing elements from the front, which may not be efficient for certain applications.

  • Queues do not support random access to elements. Traversing to a specific element within the queue requires dequeuing elements from the front, resulting in linear time complexity for such operations.

  • In implementations using dynamic memory allocation (e.g., linked list-based queues), there may be overhead associated with allocating and deallocating memory for each element, potentially impacting performance in scenarios requiring frequent enqueue and dequeue operations.

  • Depending on the system's memory limitations and the queue's implementation, adding too many elements to the queue without corresponding dequeues may lead to a queue overflow error, especially in scenarios with limited memory resources.