All program (backups) done by me till date. There are many other contributors too in AUTHORS section. Contains all the program done in Java in ISC board and St. Xavier's College, Kolkata. Which means, that this is a stash of naive programs and codes. Probably contains COURSERA solutions in the python section for some of the courses.
Contains programs of every semester!
- 🔰 -> beginner
- 📗 -> moderate/average
- 📙 -> challenging
- PERL 🔰
- AWK 🔰
- 8085 📗
- C++ 3D 📗
- Arduino 🔰
- C++ Advanced 📙
- C coding (including nightmares of Turbo C) 📙
- C Graphics (including nightmares of Turbo C) 📙
- HTML 🔰
- JAVA - 4 years of coding, All sem 5 progs, and java SXC 📙
- JS algorithms and image manipulations 📗
- PHP 📗
- Python 📙
- Python GUI 📙
- Q-Basic (Amlyan's Backup) 🔰
- Visual Basic (Nightmares) 📙
- Enigma-Sigma-2k19{Coding-Event}