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Square Engine


No rotation, no stranges shapes only rectangles !

This game project is a 2D game engine who work only with parallels squares. This engine focus on some pretty simples fonctions that you can combine to do lot of thing.

  • Display a window
  • A scene where you can add rectangles
  • Display some rectangles
  • Add sprite to this rectangles
  • Events detections
  • Collisions detections and resolutions

Basicly this library is a wrap of the SDL2 with some useful functions that are boring to implement. It's a nice sandbox to do some prototyping or learning.

Getting started

This small tutorial explain you how to launch a demo projet on Linux and windows. The library use CMAKE, SDL2 and SDL2 IMAGE so you need to install this to dependencies.

Install dependencies Linux

If you don't have it install CMAKE.

sudo apt-get install cmake

Install the SDL with apt don't work a lot, It's better with aptitude. So first install aptitude :

sudo apt-get aptitude

Then the SDL and SDL IMAGE

sudo aptitude install libsdl2-dev -y
sudo aptitude install libsdl2-image-dev -y

Install dependencies Windows

  • You can install the cmake gui from here.
  • Download the SDL2-devel-[] here.
  • Download the SDL2_image-devel-[] here.

Unzip SDL2-devel-[] and SDL2_image-devel-[] in a folder of your choice.

Create a demo project :

Create a Main.cpp file :

#include "SquareEngine.hpp"
#include "PhysicSpace.hpp"
#include "DynamicRectangle.hpp"
#include "StaticRectangle.hpp"
#include "utils/Vector.hpp"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int width = 1080;
    int height = 720;
    Sq::SquareEngine sq(width, height); //Init the Engine

    Sq::PhysicSpace scene(0, 0, NULL);

    Sq::DynamicRectangle p(10, 10, 30, 50, &scene);
    p.setColor(Color{ 250,0,250 });

    Sq::StaticRectangle obstacle1(100, 500, 800, 5, &scene);
    obstacle1.setColor(Color{ 250,250,250 });

    sq.game_init(); // At the end call the init method() it will load the sprites if there are somes
    while (sq.is_game_up()) // Loop since the game is up
        p.set_velocity((sq.mouse_pos() - p.get_origin()).by(5)); // Make the purple rectangle follow the mouse
    sq.game_close(); // Free memory etc...
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Then clone the library in the same folder

git clone

Then create the ``CMakeLists.txt` :

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)


set (SRCS Main.cpp)
add_executable(Demo ${SRCS})
target_link_libraries(Demo PUBLIC SquareEngine)
target_include_directories(Demo PUBLIC SquareEngine)

Compilation on Linux

Well its pretty easy

cmake .

You should have a nice window and a square following your mouse !

Compilation on Windows

You can use the cmake-gui to generate a Visual Studio Solution. Often it doesn't find the SDL IMAGE by itself so you need to do it by hand:

  • Link SDL2_IMAGE_INCLUDE_DIR to {Where you extract the libs}/SDL2_image-2.6.2/include
  • Link SDL2_IMAGE_INCLUDE_LIBRARY to {Where you extract the libs}/SDL2_image-2.6.2/lib/x64/SDL2_image.lib

The click Configure then Generate. After that if everything work you can Open Project.

Sometime Visual Studio create useless project ALL_BUILD and ZERO_CHECK, you can just right click and unload them.

When you try to run the prject iyt will say that there are missing the .dll, you can find them in the lib\x64\ folder of the SDL2 and SDL2_image library


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