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Bot/Integration for easy access to Webex recordings - Classic and Space Meetings

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Webex Recording Download Bot

Webex meeting recordings are normally available for download only to meeting hosts and only using a web browser. Host needs to access the webex site's web page and find the recordings there. This Bot provides a capability to download recordings of a Webex meeting (both Classic and Space meetings) by just sending it a meeting number and host email or by forwarding it a Space recording message.
The links for download are temporary links (valid for 4 hours) provided by Webex Meetings and Recordings APIs. The Bot neither downloads the recordings nor it stores any meeting or recording information.

How It Works

The user can ask the Bot in 1-1 communication for the recordings in following ways:

  1. Forward a Space meeting recording from a Space communication to the Bot
  2. Send help message to the Bot and in the received form fill in the meeting number and optionally host email
  3. Send rec <meeting_num> <host_email> <days_back> message to the Bot. host_email is optional. days_back specifies how many days back from now is searched for the same meeting number (default is 10 days).

If a meeting number is used (options 2 and 3), only the meeting recordings from days_back range are provided. This is done to simplify the Bot workflow.
Host email is required in the above communication, if the requestor was not the host of the meeting, the meeting is unlisted (private) or if days_back parameter is used.
Additionally the recording requests can be limited by following config/config.json parameters:

  • respond_only_to_host - Bot provides the recording only to the requestor who was the host of the meeting
  • protect_pmr - if the recording was created in a PMR, the Bot provides the recording only to the PMR owner. So even if the requestor provides the correct host email (and the respond_only_to_host is set to false), the request is refused unless the requestor is the PMR owner.
  • approved_users - only users from the list can communicate with the Bot
  • approved_domains - only users whose email addresses domains are in the domain list can communicate with the Bot

In order to access all recordings across the Webex Org, the Bot is using a Webex Integration in the backend. The integration needs to be authorized by a Compliance officer, i.e. the user who has Compliance Officer functional role.

The integration uses following scopes to access the recording and user information:
The Bot works as a user front-end. The Bot uses either websockets or webhooks for its communication. Websocket implementation is based on Webex Bot by Finbarr Brady. Webhook is implemented using Flask.
The advantage of websockets is that there is no need for or any special firewall setup and publicly accessible URLs. From the network perspective the Bot works as a Webex App. The Webex API calls are performed via standard HTTPS using Webex Teams SDK.
Webhook on the other hand provides higher scalability and flexibility of execution environment. Webhook can be hosted at various cloud services as a docker image or a server-less function.

1. Space Meeting Forwarding

Space meeting recording is sent to a Space as a special kind of message which provides an integrated playback client.

The recording can be forwarded by clicking on a Forward icon.

The user can fill in the list of recipients or create a Space.

Each recipient can receive the recording only once. If you want to repeat the forwarding to the same recipient (for example when testing the Bot), you need to first delete the forwarded recording from your 1-1 communication with the recipient and then try forwarding it again.

2. Using a Form

As a response to help message, the Bot sends a Buttons & Cards form in which the requestor can fill in the meeting number and optionally host email and number of days back to search for the meeting.

3. Sending a rec Message

A 1-1 message to the Bot in the format rec <meeting_num> <host_email> <days_back> provides the recording. If host_email is omitted, requestor's email is used. Default days_back is 10.

How to Install

The Bot is written in Python and can be run:

  1. as a Docker image (webhook or websocket mode) - Docker Compose example provided
  2. as a server-less function (webhook mode) - Amazon Lambda or Azure Function to name a few
  3. locally in a Python virtual environment (websocket mode; webhook only if public URL can be provided, e.g. via some port forwarding like NGROK or SSH)

1. Running as Docker image

Following steps are needed to get it running as Docker image. The Docker image can be either built locally (follow all steps in this section) or used from Docker Hub. Docker Hub approach is easier mainly due to an simpler update process.

Docker Hub image

To use the Docker Hub image, follow the configuration steps 1 - 4, but first copy docker-compose-dockerhub.yml to docker-compose.yml. After configuration is complete, run
docker-compose up with optional -d parameter.

1. Download from Github

a) Create a folder where the application will be stored, run
git clone
b) Open docker-compose.yml in a text editor.

2. Create a Bot

a) Login to
b) Click on the user's icon in the top right corner and select My Webex Apps
c) Create a Bot. Note that Bot's e-mail address has to be unique across all Webex users, so include some org-specific info like [email protected].
d) Copy Bot Access Token and paste it to the docker-compose.yml to the BOT_ACCESS_TOKEN variable (replace paste_your_bot_access_token with it).

3. Create an Integration

a) In My Webex Apps create an Integration
b) The important part of the Integration setup is a Redirect URI. It is used in OAuth Grant Flow process to receive an authorization code from Webex. If you know a hostname of your Docker server, enter it as a part of the URL, otherwise set it to https://localhost:5443/webex/redirect. The Redirect URI can be changed or another one added later.
c) Select (check) the scopes:

d) Click Add Integration
e) Copy Client ID , Client Secret and Integration ID and paste them to the WEBEX_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_ID, WEBEX_INTEGRATION_CLIENT_SECRET and WEBEX_INTEGRATION_ID variables in docker-compose.yml
f) Save docker-compose.yml

4. Edit the config/config.json

a) set the approved_users and/or approved_domains. Bot will only respond to the users who match the lists.
b) set the respond_only_to_host and protect_pmr parameters. If respond_only_to_host is set to true, the Bot provides meeting recordings only to the meeting host. If protect_pmr is set to true, the Bot provides PMR recordings only to the PMR owner even if the respond_only_to_host is set to false.

If the config.json is changed while the Bot is running, the change is detected automatically. Restart is not needed.

5. Don't Forget to Commit the Configuration Changes

After changing docker-compose.yml, config.json or any part of the Bot code, run
git commit -a -m "config update"
This will reduce conflicts when doing a Bot code update from Github using git pull.

6. Build the Docker Image

a) Run docker-compose build command on the Docker host command line.

7. Start the Application

a) Run docker-compose up command on the Docker host command line. If you want to run the app permanently, run docker-compose up -d.

8. Authorize the Application

a) In a web browser open the authorization URL, for example: https://localhost:5443/webex/authorize
b) Webex login page will load. Enter Compliance Officer's email address and password. If your Webex organization does not have a Compliance officer account yet, you need to create one. For security reasons, do not assign Compliance officer role to an ordinary user.
c) Confirm the requested Integration scopes.
d) If all goes well, you will end up on a confirmation page:

9. Try 1-1 Communication With the Bot

a) Send 1-1 message to the Bot with the text help
b) If the sender matches the approved_users or approved_domains from config/config.json, the Bot responds with the form for entering a meeting number and host email.

c) Try getting some recording.

10. Update the Bot Code

This is a work in progress, in order to keep up with the code changes following command sequence is needed:
a) Update the Bot code:
git pull
Enter and save commit message or resolve conflicts if asked.
b) Shutdown the Bot:
docker-compose down
c) Rebuild the Bot:
docker-compose build
d) Run the Bot:
docker-compose up -d

Docker Hub image gets updated using pull command, so this sequence is needed:
docker-compose down
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d

3. Running locally

1. Create virtual environment

2. Run


Bot/Integration for easy access to Webex recordings - Classic and Space Meetings






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