RTFEM stands for Real-Time Finite Element Method.
The library computes the entire process of Finite Element Method for solid mechanics in real time, namely:
- Pre-Processing:
- 3D Finite Element Meshing of given geometry.
- FEM Solver:
- CPU and GPU Linear elastic, linear deformation, dynamic.
Sample video:
Library is written in c++11.
- Linux 32/64bit
- Windows 32/64bit
RTFEM can be built on any platform supporting cmake.
To build the library, run the following command in root directory:
cmake .
The following software is required to be installed:
- Cmake 3.3
- CUDA 8
- Set environment variable CUDA_BIN_PATH to root directory (e.g. /opt/cuda/)
External Dependencies can be found in ./external and tests/external directories.
These are installed automatically when using cmake installation.
- TetGen (external/tetgen1.5.0)
- 3D Tetrahedron meshing algorithm
- Eigen (external/eigen)
- Matrix operations and System of Linear Equation Solver
- googletest (tests/external/googletest)
- Unit testing
Building Unittests can be disabled/enabled in CMakeLists.txt.
Unittests are written using googletest
Code formatted using CLion built-in Google settings with modifications:
- All indent is 4
- Indent of class/struct visiblity is 0