This is a project for making a plugin for SWORD.
##Agreement Tools Agreement tools are mainly focus on using web UI to replace running unix commands manually. ####Run Agreement Using jsch connect to UNIX server and run the commands. 1. Receive the agreementID and instance from web client. 2. Connect to application server. 3. Run command: run . 4. Input the user's name. 5. Input the comsys instance. 6. Done. ####Reload Agreement Using jsch connect to UNIX server and run the commands. ##Masstest Tools Using jsch SFTP/SSH2 to masstest FTP server. ####Upload Files Using jsch SFTP to masstest SFTP server, then upload files. ######Upload Local File Using AJAX to send the files to beckend system, then upload the files to SFTP server. ######Upload Specific Data Using AJAX to send the data with specific encoding to beckend system, then upload the files to SFTP server. ##Map Tools