Docker v. 19
This is a short description for installing docker on an ARCH Linux distribution. If you run a different distribution, you can find a description here: .
sudo pacman -S docker #install docker
sudo systemctl enable docker #Enable docker daemon
sudo sysytemctl start docker #Start docker daemon
grep docker /etc/group #Check whether docker group exists
#groupadd docker #if not: create it
systemctl restart docker #if not: restart it
ls -la /var/run/docker.sock #socket should be owned by docker group
usermod -aG docker (user) #add user to docker group
#log out, log in again
$ git clone --recurse-submodules
There are two options to get the docker images: Build it from scratch (I) or download it from docker hub (II).
$ ./ # initial step (needs to be executed just once)
$ docker pull jpietrzyktud/simq:damon2020
$ docker tag jpietrzyktud/simq:damon2020 simq_ubuntu:1.0
# intel : gcc | clang
contains the built artifacts.
$ ./
First all executables are listed like that:
$ ./
[0]: ./intel/clang/benchmarks/micro_benchmark_build_variants_intel_xeon
[1]: ./intel/clang/benchmarks/benchmark_query_1_1_damon2020_intel_xeon
Choose file to execute (0-xxx):
Choose a file to execute (maybe no test case ;) ) and wait until the script is done.
The results will be in ${PROJECT_ROOT}/benchmark/${PLATFORM}/${COMPILER_NAME}/benchmarks/[raw|processed]