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Dynamic Code Executor

NuGet version (CodeExecutor)

This repository contains helper dotnet classess for dynamic code compilation and execution.

Supported languages

  • C#
  • JavaScript

Help us improve

Help us improve by sending us pull-requests or opening a GitHub Issue

Table of Contents

  1. Development
  2. Usage
  3. License


To use the samples with Git, clone the project repository with git clone

After cloning the respository:

  • To build the samples, open CodeExecutor.sln solution file in Visual Studio 2017 and build the solution.
  • Alternatively, open the project directory in command prompt and type cd CodeExecutor and build with 'dotnet build' or 'msbuild' specifying the target project file.

The easiest way to use these samples without using Git is to download the zip file containing the current version. You can then unzip the entire archive and use the solution in Visual Studio 2017.


  • Download the latest release from here.
  • Alternatively download the latest nuget package, install and start development.
  • The API's are tailor made to meet all the common requirements.

JavaScript Interpreter

  • The API uses Jnit to execute JavaScript.
  • The API takes the name of the function to execute, code to execute and input arguments (if any).

C# Executor

  • The API uses Roslyn to compile and execute c# code.
  • The API takes class name with namespace, the name of the function to execute, code to execute and input arguments (if any).


Please refer here for license information