Getting into Hack The Box can be difficult. Let's make it a little bit easier.
When you start off on Hack The Box, you might not know where to begin;
my hope is that providing a basic set of tools, concepts, and methodologies
can provide a foundation to develop on while you're going after your first few boxes.
For each stage, I've accumulated two or three topics that I've seen the most across machines.
Most HTB machines have a similar kill chain:
- Reconnaissance: Discovering what exists on the machine.
- Foothold: Exploiting the web application or services on the machine.
- User: Finding a way into an account with a few more privileges.
- Root: Utilizing a privilege escalation to gain system privileges.
Beyond these materials, getting hints for the machines from
the HTB Forum is a great way to learn and develop your skills.
You can also go through retired boxes with IppSec's videos.
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