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A project that shows spring batch capabilities and integration with other frameworks (

Note: Spring batch is configured to use latest version of spring, latest hibernate. However, excluding older versions of spring, hibernate is done in pom.xml

Table of contents:


Jacoco/cobertura code coverage, pmd, checkstyle, enforcer, findbugs

Project structure

Maven project that consists of the following parts:

  • Java main classes are under (src/main/java) with infrastructural elements
  • Each test file ends on Test and can be executed showing different features. Logging is provided on good level and configurable in log4j config via slf4j Test extensions for executing tests with spring batch (src/test/java) and run during the build

Building project

mvn clean package

Project parts

  • Infrastructure. Contains spring batch components that might be used in other modules. Also contains common sql scripts.
  • General. Contains general examples with different configurations and with integration with other frameworks/libraries
  • JPA integrations. Contains jpa and hibernate examples that conflict with general examples because of spring version higher than spring batch uses



  • spring-batch-core
  • spring-integration
  • spring-retry
  • spring-jdbc for db population
  • commons-dbcp2 for database connection pool
  • h2 file based database for ease of db usage
  • log4j logging (possibility to configure) via slf4j

Integration with:

  • jpa
  • hibernate
  • mybatis
  • mongo
  • schedulers: cron and quartz


Spring batch logging logic.

  • Slf4j is configured to use Log4j under the hood.

Spring batch main features demo

Main components are under src/main/java/org.spring.batch.infrastructure folder.

  • completion_policy for chunk completion
  • listeners job and step listeners
  • model contains model to be used in examples
  • partitioner partitioner implementation
  • processors step processors
  • readers step readers
  • scheduler scheduler components
  • validator job validators
  • writers job writers


Main features examples are under src/test/java folder. Under main package It is simply test classes with test methods, that explain the feature and ready to be executed and provide log that shows the results.

  • concurrent for concurrent features
  • exceptional for exceptional cases with skips, retries, failed states
  • general for simple demos with task executor, java config, jdbc xml config
  • in_memory with in memory simple reader/writers capabilities and integration
  • jsr352 with jsr job description example
  • mybatis with Mybatis reader/writers capabilities and integration
  • partitioner with partitioner functionality feature
  • retry with two samples with stateless and stateful retry
  • scheduler with scheduling features based on cron and quartz
  • hibernate with Hibernate reader/writers capabilities and integration (hibernate dependency has dependency conflict. To enable example uncomment hibernate dependency)
  • jpa with JPA reader/writers capabilities and integration (hibernate dependency has dependency conflict. To enable example uncomment hibernate jpa dependency)
    • example with Hibernate
    • example with EclipseLink (BasicDatasource is not supported, different Datasource implementation is used, HQL and JPQL difference)
    • example with OpenJPA (HQL, JPQL and difference of query for openjpa)

Tests under src/test/java

  • general - simple test demo
  • mongo test with embedded and external modes NOTE mvn clean pre-integration-test -Dembedmongo.wait to run mongodb locally
  • java_config test with spring batch java config and invocation of job
  • system_command test with spring batch command tasklet to run command line command
  • param_passing test of passing parameters inside one step and between steps
  • retry test for spring-retry annotation based functionality
  • spring_integration test for integration of spring batch with spring integration framework. Poller, Transformer, Router, Email sending by Spring integration and job processing via spring batch.



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