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liquibase-incubator with feature examples for

A project with demo of liquibase capabilities with spring framework based on

H2 database is used in demo org.liquibase.samples because of ease of use

Table of contents:


Jacoco/cobertura code coverage, pmd, checkstyle, enforcer, findbugs

Project structure

Project structure is simple. Basically, it is a maven project:

  • Samples under src/test/java/org.liquibase.samples


  • DB scripts with test tables and data src/main/resources/liquibase under groovy/xml packages
  • Spring application contexts used in the org.liquibase.samples under src/main/resources/liquibase
  • Liquibase properties under src/main/resources/liquibase used by changelog groovy/datasetChangeLog.groovy and xml/datasetChangeLog.xml additional changelog file db.changelog-included.xml
  • Logging done via liquibase logging extensions via slf4j using Log4j configuration under src/main/resources/log4j.xml and src/test/resources/log4j.xml Based on site with liquibase extensions



  • liquibase
  • liquibase groovy dsl
  • liquibase slf4j extension
  • groovy (for dsl)
  • spring framework
  • spring jdbc for spring jdbc migrations
  • commons-dbcp2 for database connection pool (other pools can be used as well)
  • h2 file based database for ease of db usage
  • log4j logging (possibility to configure) via slf4j extension of liquibase

Building project

mvn clean package


  • XmlDslLiquibaseSpringTest based on xml implementation as default and declarative.
  • GroovyDslLiquibaseSpringTest based on groovy dsl implementation with power to include groovy code No parameters required. Just run the main method in the class

Note: Comments in the files and logging should be sufficient to play with org.liquibase.samples to see results and experiment with sql migrations`

Features covered

  • Liquibase maven plugin usage
    • mvn liquibase:update to run migrations
    • mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog to generate migration file based on existing db
  • XML based example with xml power and Groovy DSL example with groovy power
  • SpringLiquibase class integration to spring
  • Configuration of parameters in datasetChangelog files via properties
  • Pure sql and database independent migrations
  • Usage of contexts to be executed on specific environments
  • Usage of preconditions to make checks before migration execution
  • Usage of including other change set files into configuration
  • Usage of runOnChange runInTransaction for particular change
  • Usage of tags
  • Usage of default rollback & rollback file generation
  • Meta tables databasechangelog and databasechangeloglock creation
  • Log4j integration via slf4j extension of liquibase



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