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A project that shows flyway capabilities ( with different logging mechanisms

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Jacoco/cobertura code coverage, pmd, checkstyle, enforcer, findbugs

Project parts

Maven project that consists of the following parts:

  • Java-driven configurations for flyway migration features (src/main/java/main)
  • Declarative config-driven maven configuration for flyway migration features (pom.xml) via maven flyway plugin
  • Test extensions for executing tests with flyway migrations (src/test/java/fly)

Flyway main features demo

Main features examples are under src/main/java/main folder. It is simply classes with main methods, that explain the feature and ready to be executed and provide log that shows the results.

Flyway test features demo

Test features are shown via tests under src/test/java/fly folder. Each test shows particular test feature and provides descriptive log.


Basic maven flyway plugins capabilities are invocations mvn flyway:clean / mvn flyway:migrate / mvn flyway:repair. In case support for couple db migrations needed it can be described in the configuration via maven

Libraries: flyway core, spring jdbc for spring jdbc migrations, commons-dbcp2 for database connection pool, h2 file based database for ease of db usage, log4j logging (possibility to configure) via slf4j.

Test libraries: junit, flyway-spring-test flyway test integration via spring configuration, flyway-dbunit-spring4-test db unit support with spring and flyway and db unit itself.

Logging: commons logging with possible : log4j2, slf4j, java util logging and slf4j with log4j, logback, logback groovy configurations


Flyway logging logic is described in the org.flywaydb.core.api.logging.LogFactory class. The order of finding appropriate logger is the following (not finding moving to next in the list):

  • Android log (not present / not mobile)
  • Slf4j (Test scope)
  • Apache-commons (Main scope)
  • java.util.log

Test logging with Slf4j (Run any test to see it)

  • In the test examples Slf4j with logback groovy configuration is used for tests logging.
  • In order to activate Slf4j with log4j configuration enable slf4j-log4j12 dependency
  • In order to activate Slf4j with logback.xml rename it to logback-test.xml

Main logging with commons logging , logic described in org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory :

  • log4j2 (configured)
  • slf4j
  • java.util.logging

Run UndoMain as an example :

  • As a default commons logging with log4j2 for main ( is not used)
  • In case updating maven scope compile of Slf4j dependency (instead of test) it will run similar as tests.

Flyway default configuration

Default Flyway configuration can be found in the class org.flywaydb.core.Flyway is the following:

  • Java and sql migrations should be in the classpath under db/migrations
  • Flyway schema table name is schema_version
  • Target version is the latest one
  • Placeholders in sql - ${placeholderName} and in the config create key-value pair with key flyway.placeholders.<placeholderName>
  • Versioned migrations file names start with V
  • Repeatable migrations file names start with R
  • Separator between versions is __


  1. Migrate the deprecated api


A project that shows flyway capabilities (








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