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Trello Like Application

This Trello-Like application is orginaly made for a test technique but it turned out finally into a side-project !

I used the following technologies:

  • Rails
  • VueJs
  • Bootstrap
  • PostgreSQL
  • Gem Acts_as_list
  • Gem Draggable

I've used Rails app generated with lewagon/rails-templates, created by the Le Wagon coding bootcamp team.


This is a Todo App musing Vue.js 3 and Rails This is a project to test Vue.Js 3

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

System dependencies

  • Ruby version 2.7.3

  • Rails Version

  • PostgreSQL 12.10

  • Yarn Version v1.22.17

  • Node Module version V16.11.1

  • Webpacker 5

  • Vue.js 3

  • Bootstrap 5


Local Development



If you don't already have them :

  • Install ruby 2.7.3 rbenv install 2.7.3 && rbenv global 2.7.3
  • Install bundler 2.2.15 gem install bundler:2.2.15
  • Install yarn npm i -g yarn

Set up the repo

To install dependencies, run :

bundle install

To set up database, run:

rails db:setup

When running the db:setup command, the Database test and development will be created. The User email and password to connect to the App will be display in the console and the seeds will be create.

Set environment variables

Running the app locally requires 3 environment variables. To set up your environment variables, run the following command:

cp .env.template .env

Then, edit .env and set the following environment variables:

  • REDIS_DB: This is Redis_db
  • REDIS_URL: This is Redis URL
  • REDIS_PORT: This is Redis Port

For more information, you can read "ruby on rails redis installation and configuration" Or refer to the Redis

Database / Cache

  1. Create a database called Todo_development using your favorite postgresql GUI or CLI.
  2. Then run the migrations : bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development

Start the server

To start both the frontend and backend servers at the same time, run:

bin/rails s

In your browser, navigate to localhost:3000 to see the app in action!

This may be helpful for debugging, but generally should not be necessary.

Contributing 🤝

1. Assign yourself an issue from our Issues tab

2. Write your code and create a pull request

  • Note that your pull request may require one or more tests. Tests are required for almost all backend changes, and all frontend logic-related changes. Style or copy changes do not require you to write a test.
  • For a style or copy change, please provide side-by-side screenshots showing how the app looks before and after your changes.

Contributor Resources 📚

Need some help contributing to our app? Check out the resources below for more information about installing and using various third-party tools.





Reporting Issues 🐞

To report a bug or request a new feature, please open an issue.