A game engine based on the Hazel Engine
Join the discord server at https://discord.gg/8aHh4Fg
Install Visual Studio
Run GenProj.bat
Open the solution in Visual Studio.
Install Codelite.
Open a terminal in the repository directory and execute vendor/bin/premake/premake5linux codelite
Open the workspace in Codelite
Install XCode.
Open a terminal in the repository directory and execute vendor/bin/premake/premake5 xcode4
Open the workspace in XCode
Run GenProj.bat
Open the solution file in Visual Studio and build.
Open a terminal in the repository directory and execute vendor/bin/premake/premake5linux gmake2
Run make
Open a terminal in the repository directory and execute vendor/bin/premake/premake5 gmake2
Run make
The example is in the Sandbox directory.