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This repository allows you to quickly install redis into a Ddev project running Shopware 6 using just ddev get interlutions/ddev-sw6-redis.


  1. ddev get interlutions/ddev-sw6-redis
  2. ddev restart


This recipe adds further configurations to enable Redis in Shopware 6.4.*

The file docker-compose.sw6-redis.yaml exports all environment variables needed by the caching configuration [project/]config/packages/sw6-redis.yaml. This config is copied to ony of the following locations ./config/packages/, ./project/config/packages/ or ./${DDEV_DOCROOT}/../config/packages/ whichever directory exists in your project.

Following databases are used for the different shopware caches:

Database Cache for
0 Default Cache, Objects, Tags, etc.
1 Full Page Cache
2 Session Data

Interacting with Redis

  • The Redis instance will listen on TCP port 6379 (the redis default).
  • Configure your application to access redis on the host:port redis:6379.
  • To reach the redis CLI interface, run ddev redis-cli to begin a session. You can also run Redis CLI commands directly on the command-line, e.g., ddev redis-cli INFO.
  • You can see all keys in database 1 by using ddev redis-cli -n 1 KEYS

Maintained by @RobertLang and @Interlutions

Based on the original ddev-redis recipe by @hussainweb