This plugin interfaces Indigo to Sesame locks made by Candy House.
You'll need at least one Sesame Lock as well as a Wi-Fi Access Point.
- Click on the "Clone or download" button and then "Download Zip".
- Locate the file or folder named "candyhouse-lock-master" in your Downloads directory.
- Open the folder and double-click on the "Candy House.indigoPlugin" file to have Indigo install and enable it for you.
- Make sure you have enabled API access for your Sesame(s) in the iOS app.
- Enter your Candy House email and password in the Plugin's config.
- Create a new device for each Sesame.
Use Indigo's built-in lock and unlock commands to unlock and lock your Sesame. The Sesame should respond within a few seconds. If you manually locked or unlocked your Sesame the change will be reflected in Indigo within a minute.
If you want to contribute, just clone the repository in your account, make your changes, and issue a pull request. Make sure that you describe the change you're making thoroughly - this will help the repository managers accept your request more quickly.
Perceptive Automation is hosting this repository and will do minimal management. Unless a pull request has no description or upon cursory observation has some obvious issue, pull requests will be accepted without any testing by us. We may choose to delegate commit privledges to other users at some point in the future.
Perceptive Automation doesn't guarantee anything about this plugin - that this plugin works or does what the description above states, so use at your own risk.
Here's the plugin ID in case you need to programmatically restart the plugin:
Plugin ID: com.frightideas.indigoplugin.candyHouse