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Repository files navigation

IoT 1day discovery


  • mongodb
  • .net47 (using mono but any 47 will do)
  • node 10.12 or above
  • python3 (tested with python 3.7 and python 3.4)
  • python3 packages:
    • beautifulsoup4
    • libclang
    • requests

Initialize Submodule

Follow the Git Book by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub, on how to initilize the submodule:

cd ./packageparserweb
git submodule init
git submodule update

Python dependencies can be installed with pip: pip install -r requirements.txt. However, libclang cannot be installed via pip since it is not managed in its repositories. In our experience, libclang is installed with clang/llvm. In order to be able to use the python interface for libclang, the python's libclang (clang.index) must accessible via PYTHONPATH and the C library has to reside within the LD_LIBRARY_PATH


iotfw-tool is the tool used to crawl and extract information about files in unpacked firmware images. List of available actions with basic description can be obtained by running:

./iotfw-tool --help

Example 1: Getting information about a file

The most elementary action is printing information about a single file:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --fs --sha1 '{fs/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}' file /bin/true

An example output is given above. The output is based on the format string {fs/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}, which is expanded with corresponding values for the given file. Note the --fs and --sha1 switches - they make variables like fs/dirname and sha1/hash available for printing, list of accepted switches and corresponding variables can be found at the end of this section.

Example 2: Getting information about a directory

This is a straigtforward extension of the previous example, simply pass a directory name instead of file name:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --fs --sha1 '{fs/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}' file /bin

Example 3: Getting information about firmware

Assuming the extracted firmware is located in directory /path/to/extracted/firmware, run:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --firmware --fs --sha1 '{firmware/filesystem};{fs/firmware/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}' firmware /path/to/extracted/firmware

Example 4: Getting information about vendor firmwares

Assuming the extracted vendor firmwares are located in directory /path/to/vendor/firmwares, run:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --vendor --firmware --fs --sha1 '{firmware/name};{firmware/filesystem};{fs/firmware/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}' vendor /path/to/vendor/firmwares

Example 5: Getting information about all vendors' firmwares

Assuming the vendor directories are located in directory /path/to/vendors, run:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --vendor --firmware --fs --sha1 '{vendor/name};{firmware/name};{firmware/filesystem};{fs/firmware/dirname};{fs/name};{sha1/hash}' vendors /path/to/vendors

Example 6: Getting information in a format compatible with FindUniquePackages tool

Assuming the vendor directories are located in directory /path/to/vendors, run:

$ ./iotfw-tool print --vendor --fs --firmware --sha1 --elf '{fs/fullname};{elf/machine};{elf/buildid/hashf};{elf/linkage};{elf/osversion};{elf/stripped};{elf/type};{elf/buildid/hash};{elf/interpreter};{elf/abiversion};{elf/osabi};{elf/endian};{elf/bits};{sha1/hash};{firmware/name}' vendors /path/to/vendors
/path/to/vendors/phicomm/_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted/_40.extracted/_503000.extracted/filesystem/bin/igmpproxy;MIPS, MIPS-II;NULL;dynamically linked;NULL;stripped;executable;NULL;/lib/;1;SYSV;LSB;32;cbf98cb9d72966833cd8e646ca9d18ec37f3cc3f;_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted
/path/to/vendors/phicomm/_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted/_40.extracted/_503000.extracted/filesystem/bin/arptables;MIPS, MIPS-II;NULL;dynamically linked;NULL;stripped;executable;NULL;/lib/;1;SYSV;LSB;32;5cf7dfa8d35d776be294b258e1ef9794e3978a55;_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted
/path/to/vendors/phicomm/_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted/_40.extracted/_503000.extracted/filesystem/bin/openssl;MIPS, MIPS-II;NULL;dynamically linked;NULL;stripped;executable;NULL;/lib/;1;SYSV;LSB;32;9c81c236a6ebc7a8b37d31a76cb67732f7dffe6c;_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted
/path/to/vendors/phicomm/_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted/_40.extracted/_503000.extracted/filesystem/bin/guest_control;MIPS, MIPS-II;NULL;dynamically linked;NULL;stripped;executable;NULL;/lib/;1;SYSV;LSB;32;65a51e951eb0b5186fe1e49bc12afbd331114f17;_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted
/path/to/vendors/phicomm/_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted/_40.extracted/_503000.extracted/filesystem/bin/internet_check;MIPS, MIPS-II;NULL;dynamically linked;NULL;stripped;executable;NULL;/lib/;1;SYSV;LSB;32;d58b7b77cde024b0215e18b60b278f64994b82d2;_a3fb4b07ee14405adf227890a86f40abc8b4c5dd.bin.extracted

List of available switches and format variables

  • --vendor Vendor information
    • {vendor/name} Name of the firmware vendor.
    • {vendor/path} Path to the vendor directory.
  • --firmware Firmware information
    • {firmware/name} Name of the firmware image.
    • {firmware/path} Path to the firmware directory.
    • {firmware/filesystem} Path to the root of the firmware's filesystem.
  • --fs Filesystem-supplied information about a file.
    • {fs/name} Filename of the file (without the directory component).
    • {fs/dirname} Directory the file resides in.
    • {fs/fullname} Full name of the file (both directory and filename components).
    • {fs/size} Size of the file.
    • {fs/mtime} Last modification time in Unix timestamp format.
    • {fs/timestamp-utc} Last modification time in UTC datetime format (2015-03-14T15:47:04.000000Z).
    • {fs/firmware/dirname} Directory the file resides in, assuming {firmware/filesystem} is the filesystem root.
    • {fs/firmware/fullname} Full name of the file (both directory and filename components), assuming {firmware/filesystem} is the filesystem root.
  • --file Information given by the file utility
    • {file/output} Output of the file utility when run on the file.
  • --elf Information about ELF files (Note: non-ELF files are silently ignored with this switch.)
    • {elf/type} Type of the ELF file (executable, relocatable, shared object).
    • {elf/bits} Bitness of the ELF file.
    • {elf/endian} Endianness of the ELF file.
    • {elf/osabi} Compatible OS ABI (GNU/Linux, SYSV), optional.
    • {elf/osversion} OS (kernel) version, optional.
    • {elf/abiversion} Compatible ABI version.
    • {elf/machine} Compatible machine architecture.
    • {elf/linkage} Linkage type (static, dynamic), optional.
    • {elf/interpreter} Interpreter filename, optional.
    • {elf/buildid/hash} BuildID hash, optional.
    • {elf/buildid/hashf} BuildID hash function (e.g. SHA1), optional.
    • {elf/stripped} Either stripped or not stripped.
  • --md5 MD5 information about the file
    • {md5/hash} MD5 hash of the file.
  • --sha1 SHA1 information about the file
    • {sha1/hash} SHA1 hash of the file.
  • --sha256 SHA256 information about the file
    • {sha1/hash} SHA256 hash of the file.

web crawling


please be courteous to the package repositories. Its really easy to get package explosion.

Fetching ipks from

the archive has no api so we have to convert html tables to json in the fetchIpks package.


Above is an example of what one of the cache files will look like. Each step of fetchIpks will take a exponentially longer time. which is why caching is so key to that project.

downloadAndComputeHashes- > InvokeIpkDownload -> InvokeIpkFetch -> InvokeArchTypes -> 
InvokeArchSetter -> InvokeVersionsSetter -> InvokeCodeNamesSetter

from InvokeIpkFetch to InvokeCodeNamesSetter we are just building up every combination of ipk links we need to download. InvokeIpkDownload actually downloads the files.

downloadAndComputeHashes- > walkAndComputeHashes -> extractIpk

downloadAndComputeHashes uses walkFs to walk the filesystem hierarchy and generate a list of every ipk file downloaded. Then we use extractIpk to decompress and then generate the hash of all the files inside the package. an Ipk package has the following format:


At the end of the run you should see the following files in cache/

  • codeNames-cache.json
  • archOffsets-cache.json
  • archTypes-cache.json
  • versionTypes-cache.json
  • ipks-cache.json
  • ipksha1.json

ipksha1.json is imported into the mongodb database using: -tools/

Fetching and parsing package.gz

repos used:

fetchPackages.js has been specialized for each of these distros to pull down package.gz files. While we are no longer using this for package retrieval, the version info stored within is very helpful for retreiving version number in a reiliable fashion. something we need for the cve poriton of the project. In any case PackageParserCLI has been written to decompress each package.gz fetched by fetchPackages.js parse them into a json and store them into the database.

parsing files generated by iotfw-tool

This project has crawled:

  • Different file systems: 958
  • Unique binary names: 6399
  • Unique binary hashes: 18,6373 Sufficed to say every parse job is very time consuming and we want to limit that. FindUniquePackages reads in filesystem.execfiles_detailed.csv.xz files and generates a JSON file that we feed into mongodb
    "name": "airlink_app",
    "files": [
            "filepath": "360/_325bcc38de186d7d96b85839c5696e99b3b42c6f.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/airlink_app/bin/airlink_app",
            "sha1": "0d68987d77b50263e83a64d887a23143ac8f81d3"
            "filepath": "360/_4eacbe421bf35935f5321678d3e677331b5a3027.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/airlink_app/bin/airlink_app",
            "sha1": "b77509dd073ac37453edbf98b2c9ba6d1024734a"
            "filepath": "360/_b84bdd67acc6005eca232a82c3bd97a13b051de0.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/airlink_app/bin/airlink_app",
            "sha1": "2c61d8d13c24360d86cafda5c9c914e0817e25bd"

This ordering lists all the unique versions of a given binary name and the file path it was found on. This ordering reduces the number of files we have to check our db against. this reduces our file size to 39.5 MB vs 251.6 MB that it would have been if we kept all duplicate sha records. thats an 84.3% space savings.

web frontend

This is more of a database nicesty as making http requests is easier than making mongodb requests.

  • run by calling

API Documentation

GET binary/iot/names/{name}

  • fetches all the binaries with this name that we parsed on the iot devices.
  • examples:
curl -X GET \


    "k": "arp_oversee",
    "v": [
            "filepath": "360/_325bcc38de186d7d96b85839c5696e99b3b42c6f.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/arp_oversee/bin/arp_oversee",
            "sha1": "89f823fe52353244fcf9cb8373c367e0555b95de"
            "filepath": "360/_4eacbe421bf35935f5321678d3e677331b5a3027.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/arp_oversee/bin/arp_oversee",
            "sha1": "50c74dd2c5301d9f1ac447d2250125e484b69d1f"
            "filepath": "360/_b84bdd67acc6005eca232a82c3bd97a13b051de0.bin.extracted/filesystem/app/arp_oversee/bin/arp_oversee",
            "sha1": "fb0901084f42dea979d02d61613079934389852d"

GET binary/ipks/sha1/{hash}

  • fetches binaries associated with this sha.
  • examples:
curl -X GET \


curl -X GET \

or any of the other sha1s found in files:

  • output
        "files": [
                "name": "/usr/bin/ssh",
                "sha1": "4876d0e57e7d35b9596899b4955989f0e69ef9d3"
                "name": "/etc/ssh/ssh_config",
                "sha1": "f44ea9ffb7e15bdb234ffc4f23bdb18823f3d89c"
                "name": "/conffiles",
                "sha1": "1d646f8246fad07f994e4f37d23b33b1dfd2e045"
                "name": "/postrm",
                "sha1": "e21338a5930c6bf8bfb2294a201e5f580a20b690"
        "codeName": "barrier_breaker",
        "osVersion": "14.07",
        "arch": "ramips",
        "fileName": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
        "pkgSha1": "b31414f7735c8cf338fe975ad8cab8fb004963a5",
        "pkgSha256": "13a1ea7df1e038a338e78c711bd014c0315b4efbe6ad0a02d0956f9caa3f2817",
        "pkgmd5": "7aaefb626db761fde5502c67e94a9842"

GET binary/ipkNames/{ipkName}

  • fetches binaries associated with this name.
  • examples:
curl -X GET \
  • output: same as above

GET package/sha1/{hash}

  • fetches packages associated with this hash -example
curl -X GET \
  http://localhost:8080/package/sha1/{sha1 of openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk}
  • output
    "Package": "openssh-client",
    "Version": "6.6p1-1",
    "Depends": "libc, libopenssl, zlib",
    "Source": "feeds/packages/net/openssh",
    "Section": "net",
    "Maintainer": "Peter Wagner <[email protected]>",
    "Architecture": "ramips_24kec",
    "Installed-Size": "310077",
    "Filename": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
    "Size": "309896",
    "MD5Sum": "3b4a6b7f474cafe84797aeda585722f3",
    "SHA256sum": "da7cde828734b6b53d618a23185151b1b44b188c00a0269227736b6c4b183cdd",
    "Description":  "OpenSSH client."

GET package/sha256/{hash}

  • fetches packages associated with this hash
  • example
curl -X GET \
  • output
    "Package": "openssh-client",
    "Version": "6.6p1-1",
    "Depends": "libc, libopenssl, zlib",
    "Source": "feeds/packages/net/openssh",
    "Section": "net",
    "Maintainer": "Peter Wagner <[email protected]>",
    "Architecture": "ramips_24kec",
    "Installed-Size": "310077",
    "Filename": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
    "Size": "309896",
    "MD5Sum": "3b4a6b7f474cafe84797aeda585722f3",
    "SHA256sum": "da7cde828734b6b53d618a23185151b1b44b188c00a0269227736b6c4b183cdd",
    "Description":  "OpenSSH client."

GET package/md5/{hash}

  • fetches packages associated with this hash
  • example
curl -X GET \
  • output
    "Package": "openssh-client",
    "Version": "6.6p1-1",
    "Depends": "libc, libopenssl, zlib",
    "Source": "feeds/packages/net/openssh",
    "Section": "net",
    "Maintainer": "Peter Wagner <[email protected]>",
    "Architecture": "ramips_24kec",
    "Installed-Size": "310077",
    "Filename": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
    "Size": "309896",
    "MD5Sum": "3b4a6b7f474cafe84797aeda585722f3",
    "SHA256sum": "da7cde828734b6b53d618a23185151b1b44b188c00a0269227736b6c4b183cdd",
    "Description":  "OpenSSH client."

GET package/name/{packageName}

  • fetches packages associated with this name (in progress) -example
curl -X GET \
  • output
    "Package": "openssh-client",
    "Version": "6.6p1-1",
    "Depends": "libc, libopenssl, zlib",
    "Source": "feeds/packages/net/openssh",
    "Section": "net",
    "Maintainer": "Peter Wagner <[email protected]>",
    "Architecture": "ramips_24kec",
    "Installed-Size": "310077",
    "Filename": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
    "Size": "309896",
    "MD5Sum": "3b4a6b7f474cafe84797aeda585722f3",
    "SHA256sum": "da7cde828734b6b53d618a23185151b1b44b188c00a0269227736b6c4b183cdd",
    "Description":  "OpenSSH client."

GET match/{fileSysyemKey}

  • note this function doesn't scale. You should do matches offline. (for demo use only)
  • fetches the file sysyem to get all binaries and then iterates through that list to find a package match -example
curl -X GET \
  • output
  • output
    "files": [
            "name": "/usr/bin/ssh",
            "sha1": "4876d0e57e7d35b9596899b4955989f0e69ef9d3"
            "name": "/etc/ssh/ssh_config",
            "sha1": "f44ea9ffb7e15bdb234ffc4f23bdb18823f3d89c"
            "name": "/conffiles",
            "sha1": "1d646f8246fad07f994e4f37d23b33b1dfd2e045"
            "name": "/postrm",
            "sha1": "e21338a5930c6bf8bfb2294a201e5f580a20b690"
    "codeName": "barrier_breaker",
    "osVersion": "14.07",
    "arch": "ramips",
    "fileName": "openssh-client_6.6p1-1_ramips_24kec.ipk",
    "pkgSha1": "b31414f7735c8cf338fe975ad8cab8fb004963a5",
    "pkgSha256": "13a1ea7df1e038a338e78c711bd014c0315b4efbe6ad0a02d0956f9caa3f2817",
    "pkgmd5": "7aaefb626db761fde5502c67e94a9842"
{"many" : "more" }

lib2vuln tool

This tool can take in a CVE number or software name and version and finds CVE's associated with it, links to patches, the patches themselves and vulnerable functions.

usage: [-h] [--cve CVE] [--library LIBRARY] [--version VERSION]
                   [--no-match-subversion] [--match-unversioned]
                   [--output OUTPUT]
                   [--extract-references | --extract-patch-urls | --extract-patches | --extract-cves]

Obtain patches/vulnerable from a CVE identifier or for a specific library

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --extract-references, -er
                        Retrieve URLs referenced by CVE(s) only
  --extract-patch-urls, -eu
                        Retrieve potential patch URLs only
  --extract-patches, -ep
                        Retrieve patches only, do not extract vulnerable
  --extract-cves, -ec   Retrieve CVEs only

Output options:
  --cve CVE, -c CVE     Fetch information about an CVE identifier
  --library LIBRARY, -l LIBRARY
                        Fetch information for a library
  --version VERSION, -v VERSION
                        Fetch information for a specific version of a library

Version matching options:
                        Do not match the subversion string when matching the
                        vulnerable configuration of CVEs with the queried
                        librarie's version
  --match-unversioned   If no version is reported for a vulnerable
                        configuration of a CVE, match the configuration anyway
                        (might produce false positives)

Output options:
  --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT
                        Output file in which to store the output (JSON format)