Do you think your images have too many distinct pixel groups? This might help :3
If you plan on using Tilize, this is your file to read, please do so before wondering why stuff doesn't work :3
But in short, download the newest version of Tilize from the Releases section,
open the directory containing it in the terminal (or the command line, depending on how you want to call it),
run .\Tilize help
and then use it as you would any other terminal software.
If you are planning to develop for Tilize, this is the file for you, please read through it :3
In short though, clone the repo, run premake5 [your build system]
and then build it,
write any c code in strictly complient c11 and any scripts in Lua.
Also read though of course, it might be pretty helpful to know what it is supposed to do.
This project uses cJSON by DaveGamble and others, distributed under the MIT License,
tinycthread, distributed under a license which's name i cant find, it's here though,
and parts of stb, distributed under the MIT License and the Unlicense (where you just choose which one you prefer, and cause I don't have opinions on that I'll just show both :3).
The rounded_6x6 font is from here, licensed under CC0, the color palette used for the melody_16 and melody_16_big configurations comes from here, and I hope it's okay to use...