👷♀ Built with Docusaurus+JavaScript+React.
📝 (2024.08.20) Word Count: Depending on React, now we can count words of every single .mdx or.jsx.
🗨 (2024.08.23) Comment: Depending on Giscus, you can comment on my blog.
🗺 (2024.08.23) SEO: Upgrade SEO for searching in web.
🌏 (2024.08.23) i18n: Upgrade English and Zh-Hans language support. (🚧English support isn't completed. It is still updating) .
📂 (2024.08.27) TodoList: Upgrade todoList support. You can choose 3 types of todoList card.
🔗 (2024.08.27) Link: Upgrade Link support. Now we can add link as card in blog. Specially, you can add your favicon by iconSrc.(I tried writing a function to automatically retrieve the href of the favicon, but it didn’t work as well as I expected. Therefore, you shall add the href by yourself.)
🔍 (2024.08.28) Search: Depending on easyops-cn/docusaurus-search-local, now full-text search is supported.
🍅 (2024.08.29) Tomato: Depending on react-circular-progressbar, we can create a tomato clock. Besides, we can dive into CHAN mode(Fullscreen supported).
git clone https://github.com/Hustle28214/ROT-Blog.git
cd ROT-Blog
## Plz use npm or yarn
npm install
npm run build
npm run start