Hey There, I'm Hermon Masih🦥!!a
🌱 I’m currently learning Apache Spark
💬 Ask me about Java, SQL, Python, Data Science, Data Engineer
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
🌱 I’m currently learning Apache Spark
💬 Ask me about Java, SQL, Python, Data Science, Data Engineer
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
This is a project made as a part of my data science master's program to analyze and draw inference from Comcast Telecommunications data.
Jupyter Notebook
This is a project made as a part of my data science master's program to analyze and draw inference from Customer service request data.
Jupyter Notebook
This is a project made as a part of my data science master's program to analyze and draw inference from Movielens data.
Jupyter Notebook
Core Java : Employee Management System, made this project as a part of my Data science master's program.
This is a project made as a part of my data science master's program to analyze and draw inference from Walmart data.
Jupyter Notebook