Dynamic and concurrent retry constructs for the JVM.
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Suspensor suspensor = Suspensor.blocking().intercept(millis -> System.out.println("Sleeping for: " + Duration.ofMillis(millis)));
final EasingFunction delay = fixed(100).plus(linear(150)).plus(random(50, 250)).limit(5000);
final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger(0);
final Consumer<Throwable> logger = (e) -> System.out.println("[" + Instant.now() + " - " + count.incrementAndGet() + "] Received: " + e);
final RetryCondition<Throwable> log = RetryCondition.intercept(logger);
final RetryCondition<Throwable> backoff = RetryCondition.backoff(delay, suspensor);
final RetryCondition<Throwable> rejection = log.and(backoff);
final CallableTask<?> task = () -> {
Thread.sleep(500); // simulate expensive task
if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Not OK"); // ... that may fail
return "OK";
final ExecutionResult<?, ?> execution;
if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean()) {
execution = Retry.defer(task, rejection); // asynchronous (non-blocking)
} else {
execution = Retry.sync(task, rejection); // synchronous (blocking)
if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean()) { // attempt to cancel the execution of the task
System.out.println("Handle ==> " + execution);
System.out.println("Result ==> " + execution.unwrap());