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Typo3 Custom ck_editor Config

What does it do?

This extension allows the custom configuration of the ck_editor. It specifies required files and directories in the fileadmin folder. There you can modify them.

Or use it to build your own ext. ;)

Now you can change the path of the yaml file: Go to the extension manager search for the extension "hh_ckeditor_custom" and click on the "gear-wheel" of the extension.


The extension needs to be installed as any other extension of TYPO3 CMS:

  1. Switch to the module “Extension Manager”.

  2. Get the extension

  3. Preparation: Include static TypoScript (to include the css file in the frontend) The extension ships some TypoScript code which needs to be included.

    • Switch to the root page of your site.
    • Switch to the Template module and select Info/Modify.
    • Press the link Edit the whole template record and switch to the tab Includes.
    • Select hh Custom ck_editor Config (hh_ckeditor_custom) at the field Include static (from extensions):

    or add the custom_ckeditor.css in your own TypoScript config if you want.

  4. Preparation: Include Page Config

    • Switch to the root page of your site.
    • Edit page properties
    • Switch to tab Resources
    • Select HH ckeditor custom config (hh_ckeditor_custom)

    or add the rte.preset to your PageTS: RTE.default.preset = hh_custom_ckeditor

Known Issues

  • none so far