This is Blog Application. Frontend is developed by React js and BackEnd is developed by java, spring boot, Rest API.
- User can create, update , delete and list the posts.
- User can add ,update, delete comments on posts. 3.Categories the post according to categories. 4.New user can able to Register on application. 5.User can able to Login on application.
- post include one picture too.
#BackEnd Side- 1.Proper Login and Register API. 2. Posts API includes Pagination and Sorting. 3.Proper User Input Validation handling. 4.Proper Exception Handling. 5.Role Based Authentication-role based security with apis. 6.JWT based Authentication. 7.Document all rest apis so that consumer can easy understand.
1.Framework: Spring Boot Java Framework. .Java 8+ .Maven .STS .Apache Tomcat .Spring core,Spring security(JWT), Spring Data JPA(Hibernate), Spring Rest API etc. 2. MySql Database. 3. Postman Rest Client.