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1. Time complexity analysis

2. Math Algorithms

  • Find all prime nos from 1 to N Given a number find if it's prime
  • Calculate X^Y in log(Y) time (binary_exponation)
  • Find all prime factors of a number N
  • Calculate NCR value for given N and R Read and implement the
  • problems for all catalan number variations taught in class
  • Unique Binary Search Trees

3. Bit Manipulation

4. Sorting Algorithms

  • Selection sort
  • Bubble Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Radix sort
  • Maximum Gap
  • Bucket Sort

5. Array

6. Stack & Queue

7. Matrix

8. HashMap

9. Heap

10. Linked List

  • Reverse a linkedList (Iterative and recursive)
  • Reverse LinkedList in blocks of size K
  • Loop detection in LinkedList
  • Find intersection node or starting node of a loop in linkedList
  • Remove Duplicates in LinkedList
  • Add 2 linkedLists represented as numbers
  • Sort a LinkedList (merge sort)
  • Check if a LinkedList is palindrome
  • Flatten a linkedList
  • Multiply 2 nos represented as LinkedList
  • Josephus circle using circular linkedList

11. BackTracking

12. Greedy

13. Tree

14. TRIE

15. Segment Tree

  • Range sum query
  • Range max/min query
  • Range XOR query
  • Range GCD query
  • Range LCM query
  • Count of number of Zeroes in a given range
  • Find Kth zero in array (segment tree)


17. DP

18. Strings

  • Given string and pattern, match string with pattern (Implement KMP algo)
  • Given string and pattern, match string with pattern (Implement Rabin Karp algo)
  • Group anagrams
  • Longest Palindromic substring
  • Longest recurring subsequence
  • String permutation algorithm (YouTube)
  • Word wrap problem
  • Minimum edit distance
  • Word break problem
  • Balanced parenthesis
  • Longest common prefix
  • Longest common subsequence
  • Wildcard string matching
  • Longest Common anagram subseuqnce
  • Lexicographically smallest non-palindromic substring
  • Given 2 strings, both representing integers (multiply them)
  • Count all distinct substrings
  • Difference of 2 large numbers represented as string


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