- Hafidzurrohman Saifullah (GLNG-KS-08-02) - GitHub@Hafidzurr - Golang For Back-End - Universitas Gunadarma
- Sherly Fauziyah Syaharani (GLNG-KS-08-018) - GitHub@Sherlyfauz - Golang For Back-End - Universitas Merdeka Malang
- Timotius Winsen Bastian (GLNG-KS-08-016) - GitHub@Kozzen890 - Golang For Back-End - Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
- Golang.
- Postgres SQL.
git clone https://github.com/Hafidzurr/project3_group2_glng-ks-08
cd project3_group2_glng-ks-08
go mod tidy
a. Create database in postgres SQL with name kanban_board
or you can change whats name you like, but coution here you must change database name in db.go
b. Go to db.go, comment line code from dns = fmt.Sprintf
- dbname, dbPort)
and uncomment line code dsn = "host=host...
go run main.go
git https://github.com/Hafidzurr/project3_group2_glng-ks-08
cd project3_group2_glng-ks-08
go mod tidy
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/new_user/new_repo.git
git push -u origin master or your name for repo banch
Create New Project
-> Choose Deploy from github Repo
-> Choose Your Repo Name
-> Wait Deploying Untill Getting Error
b. Change Variable with your own variable getting from Railway, to see your variable, you can see them in your postgres SQL
and go to variables