This is a knowledge repository made for college student to share their own:
- Project experience
- higher degree persuit
- Course information
這個專案分享台灣國內各大專院校有畢業專題的校系,各組學生的個人與組經驗, 目的是希望透過傳承經驗,提供畢業校友一個作品的線上查詢管到, 並讓學弟妹有相關於專題製作上的經驗可以諮詢
- Programming and Web Design Tutorial
Server information: Operating System: Linux Mint 16 Petra (MATE 64-bit) Server Software: Apache/2.4.6(Ubuntu) Database System: MySQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.5.34, for debian-linux-gn Programming Language: PHP 5.5.3
Database construction: (1) knowledgesharp.sql: With this pruned SQL export file, you could import it to have a testing user table and content table. (2) mysql_config: This is the config file of MySql connection, you should replace the default string of password embedded into this file with your testing account password.