Version 1 of skn.hackclub website
The npm
dependencies included in package.json
to compile your own Sass filepostcss-cli
to add support for older browsersbabel-cli
for compiling ES6 JavaScript files
Apart from package.json
, the following files are included:
configuration file for Babel.gitignore
common Git ignored filesindex.html
this HTML5 file_sass/main.scss
a basic SCSS file that imports Bulma and explains how to customize your styles, and compiles tocss/main.css
an ES6 JavaScript that compiles tolib/main.js
Now, that you prepared the groundwork for your project, set up Bulma and run the watchers:
cd websitev1
npm install
npm start
As long as npm start
is running, it will watch your changes. You can edit _sass/main.scss
and _javascript/main.js
at will. Changes are immediately compiled to their destinations, where index.html
will pick them up upon reload in your browser.
Add live server
extention to your VS Code and launch your index.html with it!
Some controlling output is written to the npm start
console in that process:
_javascript/main.js -> lib/main.js
=> changed: $HOME/projects/start-with-bulma/_sass/main.scss
Rendering Complete, saving .css file...
Wrote CSS to $HOME/projects/start-with-bulma/css/main.css
- Bulma - The CSS framework used
- Modular, component-rich, compatible and easy to use
- CSS only, no excessive JQuery and keeps the files lite.
- Responsive and well-documented